Top 5 most wanted Mcfarlane Movie Maniac figures

One of Mcfarlane's lines that went down before I started collecting toys was the Movie Maniacs line which seems to have been an outlet for all kinds of different movie figures without adhereing to one particular license. I love the concept of this line as possibly anything could pop up in the line, from Jason Voorhees to Shaft to Pumpkinhead, lots of oddball monsters and movie characters were assorted through the line. With the insane success of the Spawn kickstarter, Mcfarlane has discussed reviving some of his other lines and Movie Maniacs was one he mentioned specifically. I would love see what characters from this modern age Mcfarlane would choose for the line, and in particular here are 5 movie characters I'd love to see in a revived line.
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5. Mad Max
While the Mad Max franchise is popular enough to have several sequels including a widely popular sequel decades after the previous film, there really hasn't been any true toy support for this franchise as far as I can tell. I've always loved the adventures of this rugged, reluctant hero and figures for this character and his supporting cast is something I've always hoped would happen. With the release of Fury Road I was hoping that the revived sensation would mean new figures; however, nothing happened, but the more hardcore design of the character and franchise is something I hope would appeal to Todd Mcfarlane.
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4. Alita
A more recent character to grace the silver screen, though has been around for a while, is Alita. I absolutely loved her movie and there has been an outcry from fans for the films to continue and give her a sequel to continue her story. There are some higher end, expensive figures made for this awesome character but I'd really like to see Mcfarlane's take on the character in a price range more in tune with the stuff they do at retail. Alita's world is full of mechanized characters that seems to be what Mcfarlane loves to do, and if we get not only Alita but other characters from the film I would go nuts.
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3. Audrey 2
Growing up, one of my most beloved films was Little Shop of Horrors with its wacky cast of characters, centering around a massive, singing flytrap whose puppeteer work still astounds me to this day. While a 6-7 inch scale version of Audrey 2 from the film would be amazing (especially being able to "eat" other figures like seen in the movie), I would settle for any kind of larger scale figure we could get, possibly along the lines of their Jaws diorama.
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2. Brightburn
The larger brunt of their movie maniac figures seemed to revolve around horror creatures, and these last two slots will be based in that category of film. A more recent addition to the horror villain line up is Brandon Breyer, AKA Brightburn. A full on superhero horror movie was really fun to see, and the horrible acts performed by Brandon made for an interesting, truly villainous character to watch. Not to mention his outfit is immensely creepy and would make for a really fun figure.
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1. Babadook
This character has appeared on a few other posts that I've written, and I've never been shy about how much I love this horror film. It is more on the unknown side but was loved by fans and critics alike, with a deep story told throughout the film with the Babadook creature acting more as a force of grief rather than a random monster hunting down the characters. I've always hoped that this monster would be made into a figure one day, and with some of the more niche characters and monsters that appeared in the original Movie Maniacs line I would hope this is a line where this character could finally appear.
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