The Flash S06 EP18 spoiler review

Flash had its unintentional penultimate chapter of season six recently as the virus has caused the original 3 final episodes of the season to be cancelled! Does it hold up as a lead up to the finale? Well, that's what I'm here to talk about! So here is my review of the Flash's 18th episode of season 6!
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The episode starts with a great moment of Barry finding Joe and talking to him about Iris being missing, which definitely set the more serious tone for the coming two episodes. The tone more or less continued throughout the episode as the team quickly found themselves distracted by the return of Godspeed! He is definitely one of my favorite recent villains to make their debut and the criminal under use of him in season 5 and at the beginning of this season still hasn't been quite rectified by this episode. In order to stop him though with Barry's reduced speed, Barry decides that they need help from Pied Piper only to bring up the previously teased plot thread that Hartley hates them in this new Post Crisis world.

Before I get into the meat and bread of the episode I'll talk about the two side stories we had going on! First off was the segments with Iris in the mirror world searching for Kamilla and Singh after basically recording her final words to Barry which is depressing. She manages to find her though in STAR labs which leaves me to wonder if Iris even explored the mirror world at all or if she remained in that one building for these five weeks (as Barry states he had been living with a fake for five weeks; felt like longer). The two have a brief sit down that lasts the whole episode as Iris encourages Kamilla not to give up, citing her as the love of Cisco's life (which I still don't agree with, she doesn't feel like that fleshed out of a character in my opinion and definitely doesn't feel like Cisco's soul mate. I even felt more of a natural connection between him and Golden Glider). They didn't find Singh this episode, but set out to do so.

The other short storyline in the episode involved Ralph talking to Killer Frost who was moping on her couch the whole time, not contributing to anything the team is doing, because she is afraid to meet Caitlin's mom. Really not a fan of how Killer Frost has been handled this season, just seems like a lot of immature things right after the other. Let Caitlin take control then if Killer Frost doesn't want to meet her, and are they even been counseled about the revelation that Iris and some of their others friends are trapped in another dimension?

Back to the main storyline of the episode. The show did a really great job of showing the tension and pain between the characters as they deal with the loss of their loved ones, especially Barry and Cisco! Having Barry be completely lost, and Cisco aggravated and frustrated really feels like it fits the characters we've come to know, and it makes sense that they're the ones most affected by the loss. Barry goes back to work on the artificial speed force only to have a run in with a talking Godspeed who attempts to steal his speed until Nash blasts him. Godspeed's utilization of soundwaves and vibrations leads the team to seeking help from Hartley Rathaway, who in this universe had henchmen in his fight against Flash. One of those henchmen was injured in the fight and put into a state of constant destabilization, leading to the current grudge held against team Flash. The team find Hartley and attempt, unsuccessfully, to help Hartley's obviously boyfriend. After this we get two great pep talks with Cecile assuring Cisco that he is useful even without Kamilla or his powers, and Nash reminded Barry through Nash's past failures that Barry has a chance to avoid losing the one most important to him. Barry finally realizes that Roderick, the injured henchmen, is actually Hartley's boyfriend and after another pep talk Hartley agrees to help once again. The two go up against Godspeed, replicating the accident that injured Roderick and take down what turns out to be another fake Godspeed. From Godspeed's body leaks "charged sound" which they use to cure Roderick, and Pied Piper leaves with the kinda promise to not be a criminal again.

Barry alerts everyone that before the fake Godspeed lost its ability to speak, it stated that the one he works for wants "infinite velocity," which sounds like a plot line that will be picked up for season 7! Is the real Godspeed behind this? Will he be the season 7 big bad? I guess we'll have to wait and see, but that would definitely make up for his poorly the series has treated him so far! Also, Cisco tells everyone that he has a way to get into the mirrorverse and just needs one more piece of tech from ATLANTIS! I'm really hoping that we'll see it on the show maybe even with a tease towards Aquaman, but I can't tell if anyone else is going or if it will be just Cisco, and if it is just Cisco, then it will probably be an off screen adventure for him while we focus on whatever the episode will be about. Next episode is the finale of season 6! With what the show runners described as one of the biggest fights they've ever done so let's see if this unintended finale episode is able to finish off the season on a high note!


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