Batwoman S01 EP19 spoiler review

Batwoman has its penultimate episode of the season this week and I'm here to give my thoughts on everything that went down. There is definitely some build up going towards some major conflicts in the season finale next week, along with some major teases for the future of the show as well as some character exploration going on. So here is what I thought of the episode!
(Image Source)

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First off the episode began with a fight between Luke and Kate after Kate lost the journal to Reagan last episode. The two ended up storming away from one another, refusing to work together after they couldn't come to a mutually shared conclusion which Mary tried to enact. With this lull in teamwork, Kate confronted Reagan who admitted to stealing the journal but doesn't know who Magpie gave it to. Meanwhile, Luke confronts Julia about her unwarranted interest in the journal and the fact that she no longer works for her previous organization, and isn't part of the Crows either. So what is her motive behind it all?

During all of this, we get full on Hush as he tracks down and kidnaps potential translators for the journal of Lucius Fox. We get a very scary introduction with him killing people in a library until he finds the cryptology professor he is searching for; it always makes me uncomfortable when random bystanders are killed just because they cross paths with a criminal, especially in a relatively public area. Hush next kidnaps an NSA member although he is unable to translate the symbols either, but at the same time Hush insists that Alice is killing them too fast, only giving them around 90 minutes to try and translate the book. I think this was really awesome on Hush's part because that definitely is a bit of a ridiculous act to kill them after such a short span of time, not even thinking about how complicated Lucius Fox's code is, simpler encryptions can take weeks or so to crack. Hush next tries to kidnap the teenage hacker we met several episodes ago, though Batwoman manages to save her and brings her to the batcave for protection. I found her sudden lengthy inclusion in the episode a bit surprising, as it even took me a little while to pinpoint who exactly she was. Kate had one conversation with her previously, but now the girl knows about the batcave, the members of their team, and seems like the show wants to include her in said team. Anyways, since Hush was unable to capture the teenager Alice instead has him go after Luke instead, much to Hush and Mouse's chagrin (due to that kidnapping likely bringing Batwoman after them), and Julia ends up being taken as well since she is with Luke at the time.

Luke is unable to decipher the journal while Julia is threatened with death if he isn't able to. Turns out a lot of the code revolves around Luke himself since he was important to his father, and his social security number in particular is the key to translating the book. Luke determines that the information cannot fall into the hands of the villains though, and he and Julia resign to die to protect the information until Batwoman arrives to aid them. Kate had previously found a pair of glasses from Lucius Fox's belongings that translate the symbols for the wearer, and she trades these for her friends. In order to them make their escape, Alice allows every inmate in Arkham to escape their cells which starts a riot; however, Mouse isn't happy with this as he was content to stay hidden as one of the top officials in Arkham where they were safe and well cared for. With the book in their possession as well as the glasses, Alice is able to read the journal (which includes some cool easter eggs to Azrael) and states that they will need a "little green rock," called Kryptonite! Its unknown how exactly this ties into killing Batwoman, but maybe this will also lead into a crossover between Kate and Kara at some point.

Some other points of interest that occured by the end of the episode was Kate and Luke reconciling with one another. Something I liked was that while Luke was gone there really wasn't anyone there to work the computers, and Kate herself had no clue how to use them either! It was a refreshing point after seemingly every character in other shows know how to do everything with computers (Aside from H.R. in the Flash a couple seasons ago). We also got a scene with Kate and Sophie where the former gave the latter her reluctant OK to date Julia, and I feel like we haven't gotten a lot of scenes with Kate and Sophie recently? Them being together is the eventual endgame, I know, and I would like them to build up more of at least a friendship as they get to that point because currently I'm not sure if they're even friends. I'm also interested in when Sophie will find out Kate is Batwoman? I'm also wondering when Jacob will find out his daughter is Batwoman, especially as in the end of the episode he vowed to Batwoman that he would take her down as she has the potential to do as much damage to the city as Alice.

The final bit that was revealed by the end of the episode, which I found very interesting, was that after Kate confronted Julia about her motivation behind getting the journal, Julia revealed who she was working for. Weeks ago when the Rifle came and tried to assassinate Batwoman, he left because Julia agreed to help his boss get the journal, though she wasn't told what kind of information was inside the journal. Turns out she was working with Safiyah Sohail, though ceased her allegiance with her and informed Kate that Safiyah is very familiar with her. This is a big character from the Batwoman comics, being associated with the Many Arms of Death and the showrunners have confirmed already that Safiyah will be a major presence in season 2 which makes sense with how often she has been teased this season. I'm really excited to see her brought to the CW Arrowverse, and the fact that Kate doesn't know her in this telling of the story is so different from the original comic story source so it will be interesting to see how it is adapted. We may get some more teases next week as that will be the season finale for Batwoman's freshman season, and I'll be there to see it!


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