Top 5 most wanted Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Lightning Collection figures vol 3

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers continues to be a huge portion of the Lightning Collection line from Hasbro and shows absolutely no signs of stopping anytime soon! A Mighty Morphin character of some kind is included in every wave of the line thus far, with plenty of exclusive spots taken by these original characters as well. Since my last list talking about MMPR, we've gotten Alpha Five, a non armored Zach, and a Mighty Morphin styled Green Ranger which means it is time to update my list! So here are my new thoughts about which characters from the original Mighty Morphin tv show should get introduced into the Lightning Collection!
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5. Rito Revolto
Introduced and used primarily for comedic relief, Rito Revolto was Rita's brother and brought a fair amount of change to the show and villainous side of things. He was the one who ushered in the change to Tenga warriors rather than the Putties, and his often times pairing with Goldar lead to a lot of funny shenanigans especially when Zeo rolled around. His design as a skeleton-esque warrior with camo going down one side of his body is completely Power Rangers, and as our villain collection grows he needs to be a part of it.
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4. Scorpina
Speaking of villains and Goldar's partners, Scorpina was around for a lot of the beginning of the show before being suddenly gone. She was an intimidating and often times daunting villain for the team to fight, and it would be awesome to get her into the line especially as we have gotten Goldar two times over at this point!
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3. Rocky, Adam, Aisha
We got Kat revealed recently in her MMPR uniform which is in the metallic armor mode. This seems like the perfect way to get out the MMPR version of these characters without simply releasing the exact same body that we got before, even if I would probably prefer versions of these characters from later shows to get entirely different ranger uniforms. Still, this is a good way to get out the metallic armor forms and it does look nice. Plus, MMPR is the only season with Aisha so this is the only choice for her.
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2. Bulk and Skull
Two of arguably the most iconic characters from Power Rangers is Bulk and Skull, the school bullies who went on to provide most of the comic relief for several of the shows throughout the series history. Their original impact lead to many of the follow up shoes having a pair of characters devoted solely to comedy, but the popularity of these original two cannot be denied and Bulk and Skull would make for an amazing two pack in the line.
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1. Ninjor
Out of all the allies that the Power Rangers have had over the years, none have topped my original favorite in the form of Ninjor, the charismatic being who first bestowed the rangers with their ninja abilities! His would be a really cool figure to get in the line, especially if they somehow manage to incorporate his ability to transform into the figure.
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