Top 5 most wanted Supergirl villains I hope to see in the CW's Arrowverse

Supergirl has been one of the CW's original superhero shows at this point. Despite getting its start on another network, the show's true home has been the CW and the character is regarded as one of the original heroes of this universe, easily one of the CW's "trinity" along with Green Arrow and Flash. While Green Arrow came to an end recently, it looks like Supergirl's time is ending as well with next season being the last of the show before the super reigns are handed over to her cousin in his own show. While there are a lot of hopes for things to happen, I'm still looking forward to seeing the show adapt some of the lesser known villains of the comics as many of these shows tend to do. It may be our last chance to see some of these Supergirl baddies in live action, and here are the top 5 I'd like to see!

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5. Toxus
Definitely one of the most obscure characters on this list, but one that I imagine would be a ton of fun to get in live action. I love seeing the shows adapt these forgotten characters from the comics, many times for villain of the week episodes, and characters like Toxus who had really no impact in the comics is a character who could have anything done with him in an adaptation.

4. Super Scavenger
This character is another short time villain from the comics whose legacy is extremely limited, having a minute appearance and never appearing again. This character has a lot of potential as a villain on the show too, having gotten his temporarily powers from a transfusion with cells from Supergirl's body, which for sure sounds like an interesting plot if the show hasn't done it yet. He also dons a lead mask in order to hide his ability, which on its own is a cool gimmick for a Supergirl villain.

3. Positive Man
One of the most dangerous and powerful characters on this list, and likely on the show if he appears, would be Positive Man. A villain from the classic pages of comic books, he was an intangible destroyer who travelled the cosmos, reeking his hatred of the living after being converted to his monstrous form by his own experiments. Definitely sounds like a big threat Supergirl could face as one of her last adventures. 
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2. Black Banshee
Silver Banshee has appeared on the show as early as season 1; however, the show has never really delved into the legacy her father carried on in the comics. He has been mentioned, talking about how he isn't the greatest person, but in the comics he is a straight up villain called Black Banshee! For the show's final season it would be a great call back to have him appear, a link all the way back to the show's beginning. 
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1. Lesla-lar 
This character is known as one of Supergirl's first major enemies, and for that reason I think she more than any of the others deserves a spot in Supergirl's final season. A Kandorian scientist who prefers mind and science over just brute strength, it would be a really cool dynamic just like Thinker vs The Flash, and be a really great lesson for Supergirl as her adventures on television nears the end. Her story also involved a lot of impersonation of Supergirl herself, and trying to possess the hero, which all has the making of a great final foe.


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