Top 5 most wanted Mcfarlane DC Multiverse Injustice videogame figures

As I've been talking about different storylines and universes in the DC comic history that I'd like to see adapted into figure form there's actually a non comic based world I'd really love to see delved into. This would be the videogame universe of the Injustice universe, a world where Superman went bad and took over everything like a dictator. I've mentioned it before in my posts talking about the videogame based characters I'd like to see made, but I've decided to give it its own dedicated post much like I've done with the Arkham series. So with videogames already firmly established in the DC Multiverse line by Mcfarlane, here are my top 5 most wanted Injustice series figures.

(Image Source)

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5. Batman

At this point I feel like any Batman included in any of my lists have a very, very good chance at being made so I'm automatically putting him at the bottom of the list. Aside from that, its also a pretty standard Batman suit though its still a great design. I really liked Batman's stance in the game as the main hero revolting against Superman's regime, and his relationship with the once hero through the second game in the franchise was a really interesting story beat to explore. (Image Source)

4. Gorilla Grodd

This is a figure I want in any form no matter what source material he is pulled from. Gorilla Grodd is one of Flash's main villains and like a lot of other DC characters, his repertoire of action figures is very low. The main one I can think of is the old DCUC BAF and at this point I'm thinking he needs a new figure to both update to today's articulation and get it out there for non aftermarket prices. The Injustice 2 design would also differentiate itself from that old figure because it takes the trend of Grodd wearing full armor which is my personal favorite look for the telepathic gorilla. (Image Source)

3. Scarecrow

While the character wasn't super integral to the story or anything, design along slots this character into this list because its such a different and abstract design for the Scarecrow! The tall, lanky, nightmarish form that he takes after putting his opponent under his fear gas is such a cool design and one that would make for an awesome figure unlike any other that the character has received before. (Image Source)

2. Flash

This is a character making the list because of his role in the story which I really really liked. In the first game he was the first character to defect from Superman's regime, abandoning the dictatorship and fighting to take them down with one of his first acts intercepting Sinestro's rally. The second game expanded on this idea, with Flash still working to atone for his past crimes under Superman. Either design from either game would be acceptable for me as they both look really cool, and Mcfarlane has already proved he can make a very good Flash figure from looking at his Rebirth figure. (Image Source)

1. Superman

When talking about Injustice, I don't think any other character could have taken this spot. There have been a lot of stories through the years with some kind of riff on an evil Superman plot, but this is the one that tops them all I believe and the absolute darkness that Superman has fallen into by the time the games take place make for an extremely different character from what we're used to. From the tragic backstory, to the shocking confrontation to Joker and everything that comes after, this is an incredible and stand out version of the man of steel that is for sure one of the best Elseworlds stories out there. (Image Source)


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