Top 5 most wanted red Power Rangers in Hasbro's Lightning Collection vol 2

Red rangers are most of the time one of the most well developed and intriguing characters in any season of Power Rangers! They're the one that main stories usually revolve around, leading to the red rangers being some of the most beloved rangers of the entire franchise. Hasbro seems to understand this as every wave of Power Rangers they make seems to abide by the rule that one red ranger always needs to be present. This guarantees us to get these great characters sooner rather than later, and from my last list we now have Wes, Zeo Tommy, Conner, and Andros all currently in the line or coming soon! So with the future wide open for the line, here is my revised list of the top 5 red rangers I'd like to get from Hasbro!
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5. Casey (Jungle Fury)
I absolutely adore the suits from Jungle Fury and they may be one of my favorite suit designs from the entire franchise; however, it isn't just the suit I like because Casey got a really good arc as well. Being nothing really except a towel boy, he really proved himself to be so much more and even excelled at fighting techniques that he started his own school for it by the end of the show. Another classic Power Rangers story of an underdog who rises above all, and again...the suit looks awesome!
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4. Cole (Wild Force)
I always thought that Leo from Lost Galaxy was super cool and kind of goofy for ripping off his shirt, but then Cole came along and tore his shirt off twice in his season! Double the insane awesomeness and ridiculousness, not to mention that aside from sometimes arbitrarily ripping his shirt off, Cole has one of the most emotionally charged story arcs of the season and a connection to the villain that almost rivals Andros and Astronema's rivalry in In Space. Plus Wild Force in general is one of my favorite seasons and I hope it is introduced to the line soon!
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3. Eric (Time Force)
We got one of the red rangers from Time Force, and while the other is branded as a "Quantum ranger" he was still included in the Forever Red team up and is predominantly colored in red, earning him his spot here. I absolutely loved Eric and his attitude and the fact that one of the Power Rangers wasn't a straight up villain but was also working against the heroes for the brunt of the show! It was a really interesting spin to take, and like I mentioned he was part of the Forever Red crossover, bringing us closer to being able to create that display! We're currently halfway there!
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2. Shane and Hunter (Ninja Storm)
What is for sure the funniest season of the franchise, Ninja Storm gave us two red rangers just like Time Force did. Both were a lot of fun, and I in particular am a huge fan of the Thunder rangers so the Maroon Thunder Ranger, Hunter, would be awesome to get and would fit really well in a two pack with his brother, the other Thunder Ranger! Ninja Storm hasn't been included in the toyline yet, but I hope that that changes soon and we can soon get figures of one of the best seasons of the series!
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1. Carter (Lightspeed Rescue)
Rounding out the top spot on this list is who is potentially my favorite red ranger of all time! Lightspeed Rescue absolutely blew me away after not knowing what to expect from a season I really hadn't heard anything about, and one of the best parts that floored me was the incredible nature of the red ranger of the series. He was a true heroic source of good which I love in characters, and his backstory involving why he wanted to be a firefighter and eventually discovering who his hero was was a true delight to watch unfold. The Lightspeed Rescue suits themselves are also very cool, and I would not mind at all having this great season entered into the line with one of the best red rangers of all time!
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