Top 5 most wanted Power Rangers from established seasons in Hasbro's Lightning Collection vol 3

Hasbro continues to turn out Power Rangers figures in their new Lightning Collection line, and while they do periodically start to delve into new seasons every so often, they always give more love to the seasons that they've already started to touch upon and thats what this list is about. I look at what seasons are currently already touched upon by the line and my top 5 most wanted figures from those shows as a whole. From my last list, we got my honorable mention: the non armored MMPR Black Ranger, The remaining Psycho rangers, Andros and Tommy in their red ranger forms, and we've started to get In Space rangers in the line as well! So my list has almost been cleared and I'm back for a third volume of my top 5 most wanted Power Rangers from established seasons in Hasbro's Lightning Collection!
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5. Jen
This is one that I know a lot of other fans are asking for too, and the fact that Time Force has already been introduced to the line with Wes the red ranger is the perfect stating place to now venture into the rest of the team. Jen is definitely one of the strongest rangers we've gotten in the franchise, and the only leader of a team to be the pink ranger which I think is awesome.
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4. Zeo Adam and Katherine
I'm specifying Zeo here because while we have finally gotten a figure of Kat, she is in her MMPR uniform and I'd prefer her in her Zeo costumes. In part because I really like the outfits, and also because I don't want to be just buying two of the same figure, even if one is sparkly. She and Adam were two characters I really enjoyed ever since their introduction into the Power Rangers universe, and with Rocky already being added to the line I hope we soon get some of his fellow replacements for the original team.
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3. Spd Bridge and Syd
I absolutely loved SPD as a lot of other fans did, and it is evident that Hasbro knows that love because we've gotten a slew of figures from the season already! Four rangers, and one villain all either out or revealed, and I hope that the momentum doesn't slow down at all going forward. The three initial members of B squad we were introduced to were my favorite members of the team and with Sky entering the line, I really want Bridge and Syd to go along with him!
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2. More Dino Thunder
I have not been shy previously about how much I love Dino Thunder as a season. Along with a lot of other fans, I adore this show, the characters, the outfits, and especially the opening song! Dino Thunder has a smaller team compared to some shows so hopefully it wont take too long to get them all represented in the line, and already we've gotten Trent and Conner who both look great! The black ranger also marked Tommy's return to the show in a proper role after a long hiatus and guest starring roles, making it a must have figure!
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1. Cassie
Another show I haven't stepped back from making my point known about is In Space, a season which completely blew me away with a great story, really fun rangers, and an awesome villain cast. A lot of the Turbo rangers really got to flourish in this show, and one ranger that really made an impact on me was Cassie. I thought she was awesome and a ton of fun, with a lot of episodes devoted to showing her strong will and charisma. Andros and Ashley are good first steps into the team, but I hope Cassie isn't far behind as one of my favorite rangers of all time!


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