Top 5 most wanted Power Rangers Lightning Collection villain figures vol 2

Villains are by far some of the funnest parts of the Power Rangers lore, and I absolutely love that Hasbro's Lightning Collection line is delving so far into that realm of the series! Bandai's line almost strictly kept to the rangers, but villain after villain keeps being produced by the Hasbro team to the point that now there's an entire subline for the monsters of the series! These designs also make for some of the most unique and best sculpts in the line, such as Zedd and Goldar! From my previous list of my most wanted villains in toy form, we've gotten Rita, the rest of the Psycho Rangers, the Ranger Slayer, and Astronema which I couldn't be more excited for! With the future looking very bright for the evil side of Power Rangers, here is my updated thoughts about my top 5 most wanted Power Rangers villains from Hasbro!
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5. King Mondo
The first true new villain we got after MMPR and the classics of Rita, Zedd, and their henchmen, King Mondo as a character I didn't find entirely intriguing but him being the ruler of this entire kingdom that was invading the Earth was the first time we got anything like it since Zedd and Rita acted on a smaller scale. His bulbous, robotic design would also no doubt look awesome in figure form, and while not the most agile he would for sure be a notifiable presence in any display.
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4. Scorpina and Rito
Falling back on MMPR for just a moment, we've gotten many of the villains from the series already so this list is continuing to dwindle but two major ones that we're still missing are Scorpina and Rito. Both would pair extremely well with Goldar and the other released villains, and while Scorpina would be another female presence in the line, Rito would be another cool design unique from what we have so far, justifying why both need figures soon!
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3. Emperor Gruumm
I remember this character was once thought to be part of wave 6 of the line and I was so excited, though of course that didn't turn out to be the case. Hasbro clearly has a lot of love for SPD just like the fanbase, with so many of the rangers released already or in the works, as well as a member of A-Squad already in the line! Emperor Gruumm is thought of as one of the best villains of the series and I hope he gets his well deserved figure soon, as he also has a killer design!
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2. Ecliptor
A villain who remains from vol 1 of this post, Ecliptor played a major part in the In Space storyline and Astronema's backstory. His design was incredible, and with the major emphasis the In Space villains have gotten so far I hope that it isn't too much longer before we get him in the line to go along with Astronema!
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1. Mesogog
From one of my personal favorite seasons of the franchise, Mesogog was a truly terrifying villain who came off the back of the goofier Lothor and more emotionally charged Master Org. This return to a truly monstrous foe was very well received by fans and I know a lot of people are looking forward to Mesogog being produced as part of the line! Dino Thunder has made its long awaited introduction to the line with Trent and Conner both revealed or released, and I hope their big bad isn't far behind!
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