Top 5 most wanted McFarlane DC Multiverse Green Lantern figures

Mcfarlane has been absolutely rocking the DC action figure world as their first year with the license is nearing its end, and its been a really great year with a lot of really outstanding figures that has completely renewed my interest in DC action figures. One area of the DC universe I'm excited to see expanded upon in the future is the Green Lantern corps, of which we've only received an animated style John Stewart as well as a parallel universe evil Bruce Wayne who gained a power ring. So with an entire universe full of Green Lanterns to choose from, these are the top 5 I hope to see get made in Mcfarlane's line of DC figures!
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5. Comic book John Stewart
The popularity of this character is easy to tell from any DC fan, and as one of the earliest Green Lanterns his legacy has endured strong and he's many times got to be the flagship Green Lantern for the DC universe! The animated style version is a great starting point, but I would like the comic book version to follow up on with a truly complex construct to match the character's ring abilities.
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4. Jessica Cruz
One of the more recent members of the Green Lantern corps on the human side, she gained a ring after enduring first being the host of Power Ring's ring: Valthoom. I really love how raw and truly scary her backstory is, with her friends being murdered by a random killer in the forest, and how she almost met the same fate. The depth and complexity of this character and her own exploration of fear is something that has really made me love the character.
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3. Alan Scott
The original Green Lantern, with little connection to the Green Lantern crops which is now synonymous with the name, Alan Scott was a founding member of the Justice Society which seems to be making a steady resurgence in popular media these days. I hope that translates soon to the figure world and we start to this amazing team of heroes once again in plastic form, hopefully with Alan Scott being one of the first!
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2. Guy Gardner
One of the funnest Green Lanterns to read, Guy Gardner is abrasive, foul mouthed, quick to anger, and has a great list of oddities in his career of a hero such as being kicked out of the Justice League, becoming a Red Lantern, and mooning Batman. Despite his harsh and hard to get along with personality, he will definitely bring the fight and stand for the Green Lantern corps. I love this dynamic of his character, plus the jacket is a great look for the uniform.
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1. Hal Jordan
The character who helped completely reinvent the idea of Green Lantern takes the top spot on the list. I don't care which version of the character we get as long as Hal Jordan doesn't stay absent from the toy line for much longer. Classic, modern, New 52, Parallax, I would take any of them to get one of the greatest Green Lanterns in figure form from Mcfarlane.
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