Top 5 most wanted Mcfarlane DC Multiverse figures based on specific/stylized storylines vol 2

Something Mcfarlane has emphasized doing is trying to find the coolest looking designs for figures that he does and he definitely has not fallen back on that ideal. From wave 1 with the Batman and Superman armors, he has continued to give us this more specific set of stylized designs that skew away from the usual classic looks a bit, with focuses such as the Dark Knights, Last Knight on Earth, the Grim Knight and White Knight all being primely represented. My previous list talking about which is these stylized storylines and characters I'd like to see made has come to fruition for a lot of what I discussed, so I'm back again seeing what cool and interesting designs DC has made that may skew away from the mainstream classic, but also make for an awesome Mcfarlane DC figure!
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Related posts:
Top 5 most wanted Mcfarlane DC Multiverse stylized figures vol 1
Top 5 most wanted McFarlane DC Multiverse Superman figures vol 2
Top 5 most wanted Mcfarlane DC Multiverse Kingdom Come figures

5. Apex Lex
I'll try to avoid spoilers as much as possible but Apex Lex came after an incredible storyline revealing a connection he had with one of the members of the Justice League as a child, and where that brought them in present day. This version of the character wasn't in a business suit or even a green power suit, he himself was morphed into a powerful creature that stood tall above all the other characters! With major implications of the character and this design in the Rebirth Hell Arisen and Doom War storylines, and Mcfarlane's proclivity to produce figures based on modern stories, hopefully this version of Lex will come soon.
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4. Tales from the Dark Multiverse
This "what if?" fashion of storytelling has always really intrigued me and I really liked seeing what would have happened in some of these major stories if one choice was made differently. Some of them are bad choices that lead to bad outcomes, but some are good changes to the timeline but yet still result in something awful. With even more Dark Multiverse stories releasing later this year, I hope Mcfarlane comes in to start producing figures of these really cool elseworlds iterations, namely the original five: Sinestro, Lois Lane, Terra, Azrael, and Blue Beetle.
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3. Secret Six
I mentioned Hell Arisen earlier on this list, and with their start in the first few issues of the "Batman/Superman" comic series in 2019, Hell Arisen is where this group of corrupted superheroes really got their due. Essentially another version of the Dark Knights, except it isn't all Bruce Wayne, just heroes turned bad by the Batman who Laughs. We've gotten some inklings of this group in the toyline already, with the Infected Superman being based off this storyline, and the new Batman who Laughs having the Sky Tyrant's wings! Sky Tyrant, Scarab, King Shazam, and Supergirl are my personal favorites of the group, but I'd love for in general this to be the next group project Mcfarlane takes on with the Dark Knights finished.
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2. Fast Forward Wally West
Wally West has definitely not gotten as much to do since Barry Allen returned to be the Flash, but things have seemed to change since Rebirth started and the original Wally West returned from the Pre-Flashpoint timeline. I like a lot of other fans really love this character, and after a tragic but amazing storyline in Heroes in Crisis we got Flash Forward which is one of my favorite Wally West storylines of all time. I won't spoil what happens in the story itself, but by the end he dons the blue suit that he wears in the current Death Metal crossover, and I think it would be an amazing first Wally West figure for the line.
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1. Kingdom Come
The only slot on this list that isn't from a more modern storyline is Kingdom Come, probably one of the best stories that DC has ever written. The art is phenomenal as well and I'd love to see what Mcfarlane could do when they adapt this graphic novel into figure form, as many of their figures try to emulate their art source. There are so many great renditions of characters from this storyline and obviously Superman is my main want from the series, but other characters like Batman, Magog, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern would be cool to get down the line too! Mcfarlane has said that 2021 will have lots of Superman figures after the Red Son Superman, and Kingdom Come has a terrific version of the character who definitely needs an updated figure.
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