Top 5 most wanted Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Lightning Collection figures vol 2

Power Rangers is a huge franchise, and Mighty Morphin, the original first season of the show, is still the most popular and famous of the entire series. That is ever evident in Hasbro's Lightning Collection, the line of Power Rangers figures spanning each and every season that sees Mighty Morphin characters consistently popping up. Since I made the first edition of this list, we have gotten Billy, Trini, and Rita Repulsa in the line so I've put together a new top 5 list of my most wanted Mighty Morphin characters!
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5. Mighty Morphin Green Ranger
We technically got the Green Ranger, Tommy, in the line already but that was actually a version of the character from the Dino Thunder season. The silver lines on the helmet give it away, and while this would technically be a rerelease with less paint it would still be nice to have a 100% accurate version of the figure to go along with the rest of the Mighty Morphin team. Tommy is also by far one of the most popular characters of the franchise, and the line has already seen him more than a few times.
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4. Scorpina
Mighty Morphin villains have been a steady stream in the line as well as the Rangers, with Zedd, Rita, the Putty, and Goldar all being made. The next villain from the original line up I would like to see is Scorpina. She made frequent appearances in the early seasons before vanishing from the episodes and being recast when she made her eventual reappearance. Being another villain for the line would help figure set ups fill out, and she would look great alongside Goldar.
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3. Ninjor
So far the Magna Defender is the only character we've gotten who acted as an additional source of aid to the Rangers; however, one of the original Ranger allies was Ninjor who gave the Rangers their ninja abilities. I loved his goofy demeanor and the wacky voice, and his design lends itself to a really interesting figure that would be different from a lot of the figures we get in the line. His ability to transform into a more powerful mode is something that could be incorporated into the figure.
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2. Alpha Five
Speaking of allies to the Rangers, there is none more beloved than Alpha Five. The nervous, chirpy robot that worked alongside Zordon was around for all of the Rangers original adventures and continued to appear in later seasons before being switched out with Alpha Six. Just like Ninjor, his design would make for a really interesting figure that would be different from a lot of what we've gotten already. Bandai's line of Power Rangers was ready to release an Alpha Five before the line went down, and this could be where Hasbro picks it up.
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1. Non-armored Black Ranger
Technically, we've gotten all of the Mighty Morphin Rangers in the line; however, when posed together (at least when Billy comes out) there will be something out of the ordinary in that Zach is wearing Tommy's Dragon Armor. This is something that only happened in one episode of the original series, and just like how Jason was released a second time without the armor I hope that Zach gets another release without the armor. While this would technically be less plastic, just like the Green Ranger, it would be nice to have an entirely accurate line up.
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