Top 5 most wanted Mcfarlane DC Multiverse figures based on the New 52 The Flash comic series

I recently made a post talking about the figures I wanted most from DC's New 52 run on Batman in Mcfarlane's line of DC Multiverse figures, and I'm coming back to that type of list with my most wanted figures based on the New 52 run of The Flash! It was a series I really enjoyed a lot by Manapul and later Venditti, with a lot of great versions of iconic characters who would be great to get into the line in any form. Right now I'm focusing on the New 52 though, and from the great Flash run, these are the top 5 characters I'd love to get in action figure form from Mcfarlane!
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5. Future Wally West
One of the most interesting parts of the lore in my opinion was the subplot seeing the future version of Wally West gaining speedster abilities and donning his own super suit which we saw in action a couple times. Sadly it was just a couple times, as the silver suit he wore looked really awesome and its a color not many speedsters have worn.
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4. The Rogues
The New 52 brought about a big change in the Rogues that for a time divided them as a group. Captain Cold had gotten the others to undergo a procedure to fuse their DNA with that of their weapons, giving them meta based powers along with brand new designs for the whole group. They got a lot of great stories during the New 52 run, such as their role during the Gorilla invasion, being deputized by the Police department to hunt Flash, and fighting back against the Crime Syndicate!
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3. Gorilla Grodd
A character that I think would make for an amazing figure in the line is Gorilla Grodd. He would be so unique and different from everything we have at this point, being a giant gorilla who wears a suit of armor, allowing Mcfarlane to really put his sculpting abilities to work to create what I bet would be a fantastic figure.
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2. Reverse Flash
While Eobard Thawne would appear later in the series under the name of Professor Zoom, Reverse Flash as a title was initially given to a much different incarnation of the character. Daniel West, Iris' brother who sought to kill his father in the past and prevent all of the hurt he would inflict on Daniel as a child. Reverse Flash became a brand new character with a deeply layered backstory wholly separate from all previous versions, and this came complete with a fantastic looking new suit based around the colors of black and red, with sharp spikes around every corner of the suit.
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1. Future Flash
By far, the storyline from the New 52 Flash series that struck me the most was the future Flash storyline which saw a battle hardened and weary version of Barry from the future seeking to right the wrongs of the past. He travelled backwards through time, interacting with all of his iconic villains one last time such as visiting Captain Cold on his death bed and stopping Trickster from making a choice that would ultimately lead to his own suicide. Finally, Barry travelling back in time to kill himself in order to completely change the timeline and save Wally and Iris from fates he blamed himself for, making for what I think is one of the best Flash storylines of all time and very underrated. Not to mention, the blue future suit that Barry wears looks absolutely amazing.
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