Top 5 most wanted Hasbro Power Rangers Lightning Collection figures from each movie

The Power Rangers universe is vast and the television series continuously popular; however, the movie outings for this idea hasn't passed over as well for some reason. I'll admit that for the most part they're all sub par at best, but still incredibly fun, and the show itself has always been a victim of immense cheesiness so that isn't anything that could be held against the movies. With comics already being explored by Hasbro's Lightning Collection line of figures, I hope that the movie universes are being considered as well because there are some great characters and designs to be gleamed from these outings as well. So here are my most wanted figures based on the three major Power Rangers movies.

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MMPR: Tommy
If this movie were to get a figure, I have a feeling that this character would be the one chosen to be made and I would have no qualms with that. Tommy is the leader of the Power Rangers first and foremost here, with his television show characterization wholly intact, though the armor for their rangers modes get a big screen boost for their adventure. Instead of spandex, their uniforms looks like true armor now, and that is a look I'd absolutely love to get in figure form. 

Turbo: Justin
In this case the uniforms look pretty much the exact same as they do in the television that followed this movie outing, so whether from show or movie my choice remains the same in that Justin is the character I'd like to get most. All of the other Turbo characters can be made in Zeo or In Space uniforms, but Justin is the only one exclusive to Turbo and while he isn't the most popular among fans that shouldn't bar him from receiving a figure one day.

2017: Zach
There were a lot of things about the 2017 movie that didn't mesh with fans, but were some changes that I really enjoyed. One of those was the new characterization for Zach as a dropout, risk seeker who at the same time was caring for his sick grandmother. Not to mention in terms of an action figure design, the movie suits looks awesome and unlike anything we'll get from adapting the television shows for figures.


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