Top 5 most wanted updated Transformers the Movie (1986) figures vol 2

Hasbro made a major announcement recently with the reveal of the inclusion of the original 1986 cartoon movie for The Transformers entering the Studio Series line! As its a theatrical release movie it does make sense, and already we're seeing a major heft in terms of quality of the figures we're getting and so many of the characters were in dire need of updates. We've been getting characters from this original movie in the generations line from Hasbro, with Cyclonus recently being unveiled for Kingdom, but it seems like that movie will be getting a lot of focused, dedicated love coming soon with Hot Rod looking incredible, Grimlock fitting into that leader size class perfectly, and others like Scourge and Jazz being a delight. Wheelie has also popped up as a limited articulation pack in with Grimlock. There are still plenty of characters from that original movie to be made in the line though, and here is my updated list on the top 5 characters from the original G1 1986 Transformers the Movie I'd like to see updated in figure form.

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5. Coronation Starscream
I'm keeping this one lower on the list because Hasbro could easily end up taking their Earthrise Starscream and adding the extra pieces for the cape and crown on. While this wouldn't be inaccurate, it would be easy reuse of an existing figure and therefore just not as exciting as some of the other characters on this list who would hopefully be getting brand new figures.

4. Sharkticon
The pack in of the Prime Wars trilogy era Sharkticon in the Quintesson pit of judgement 5 pack released by Hasbro recently has me thinking they may not be ready to dive back into this character and redo it, though I'd really love for them too. The Quintesson faction has received a generous amount of love from the company with the Earthrise wave of figures, and updated Sharkticons would be a pleasing army builder to go along with these displays.

3. Dinobots
While the Dinobots were not introduced in the movie, they were a big part of it which I think makes them prime for getting figures in either Studio Series of in the generations line, as we've gotten Grimlock and Jazz under the Movie banner already. I think it is an absolutely brilliant move by Hasbro to finally be moving towards the leader class size for their Dinobots and hopefully Grimlock isn't the only one to get this size increase. The Dinobots are historically huge compared to the Autobots and Decepticons, and the thought of a full set of leader class Dinobots is just...amazing.

2. Wreck Gar
Essentially the only major hero introduced in that original movie who hasn't gotten an updated figure since the start of the Siege line last year is Wreck Gar, the tv acclimated bot who lead an entire race of Junkions under his rule. They're considered an iconic part of that original film, and there is the potential for a lot of reuse when it comes to Wreck Gar and making other Junkions, all compatible to ride on each other hopefully.

1. Galvatron
This is the big one and I don't think there is really another choice to put at the top of this list. We got both Cyclonus and Scourge on the way, so we need the second leader of the Decepticons in all his purple glory. Galvatron was a menace to be reckoned with in the original movie and while his role in the tv show came off as less of a threat, Galvatron's place in Transformers lore and history has been solidified and his deserving of a new figure is high on a lot of fans' wishlists. Hot Rod, Ultra Magnus, and the other need their nemesis to fight against, especially with Unicron coming out next year so we can have all three heralds together!


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