Top 5 most wanted white Power Rangers in Hasbro's Lightning Collection vol 2

White rangers have definitely gotten a lot of love recently in Hasbro's Lightning Collection line. It started out with a white ranger as the first figure ever revealed was Mighty Morphin white ranger Tommy, and now we've gotten SPD Sam, Trent from Dino Thunder, and two versions of Lord Drakkon including his final form! So I'm back looking at the white rangers of the franchise and thinking about which ones I'd like to see made into figures next!
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5. Mighty Morphin 1995 movie Tommy
Starting off with maybe the most likely of all of these, is the movie version of Mighty Morphin white. The movie is well known among fans and while it doesn't have the best reputation, it is still a big part of Power Rangers history with some awesome looking suits (Depending on who you ask) that deserve to be made in the Lightning Collection. Tommy would be the obvious choice for first, being Tommy, and the more armored look to the outfit would set it apart from essentially every figure we've gotten thus far.
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4. Kat
This was a surprising ranger that I didn't expect to happen during the season, and it was short lived as well. Kat was a great character in SPD and many times an advocate for the rangers whenever Doggie would push the rangers too hard, and she eventually got her whole big solo story as she potentially would move from their facility to a more higher position. The end of the episode saw her donning her own ranger suit in order to fight off a group of villains, and the feline aesthetic of the suit made for a great design and a perfect way to get this awesome character in the line.
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3. Alyssa
My favorite ranger from Wild Force and my favorite iteration of a pink ranger outfit as it is basically a white ranger outfit, and is designated as such in many places. This could help her figures sell against the tide of "pink figures are for girls" mentality, and also this character is just great. She was smart, strong, and wasn't played up as the girly girl many pink rangers end up as. She was capable of beating both Max and Danny in battle, while also taking education classes alongside her ranger duties.
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2. Udonna
One of the most interesting white rangers from the franchise. She was actually the first ranger we got in Mystic Force before her staff was stolen and her powers to morph taken away from her, leaving us without the white ranger for most of the series. While she was suited up Udonna made for a fierce warrior in a great costume design that I'd love to see implemented into the line, and out of the suit she still made for a well written character with a great storyline connecting her to one of the rangers.
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1. Delphine
Taking the top spot this time around is the second ever white ranger to appear in the franchise, as well as the first female leader of a team in Delphine. The alien rangers didn't get the most to do, and I really dont remember the male members of the team all that well, but Delphine stood out and has many qualities among rangers that aren't common that I just mentioned. She'd be another female character for the line, a white ranger which are pretty popular, I love that she's a female team leader, and the unmasked alien headsculpt would be very unique.
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