Top 5 most wanted McFarlane DC Multiverse Superman villains

This is a list I can't believe I haven't made yet, as I've covered other famous rogues galleries such as Batman's and Flash's in regards to what figures I'd like to see in Mcfarlane's line of DC Multiverse action figures, but I haven't gotten to Superman's yet. The world's first superhero has some of the greatest villains to ever appear in comic panels, and so far the toyline hasn't made a lot of headway when it comes to covering these famous foes. Bizarro is lined up to get a figure next year and that's about it so far, so with Bizarro hopefully just the first step in Superman's rogues, here are my next top five most wanted from this group.

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5. Metallo
Definitely a classic, and one I'd really like to see their interpretation on whether they want to go with the more human looking design of the character or the full on robotic body. I feel the robot body would lean more towards Mcfarlane's tastes but I'd honestly take either version, and with the old DCUC figure being based on the robot body it'd be cool to get the humanoid version with the kryptonite chest piece as a change.

4. General Zod
While I've absolutely loved the live action movie dealings of this character, the comic side hasn't been as prominent to my surprise. His classic appearances were very sparse, and even nowadays I feel like I don't see Zod all that often compared to other villains of the man of steel. Zod's recent roles in the awesome "For Tomorrow" storyline, his time in the Suicide Squad, as well as his short stint in the 2019 Batman/Superman comic series have all been highlights for me for this character's modern outings and I hope to get him in some form soon.

3. Doomsday
A build a figure Doomsday is one I've heard plenty of people talking about when it comes to hopes for the line, and even one of Mcfarlane's designers has talked about wanting to do that exact idea! We've gotten a bit of a taste of what it would be like with the Dark Knights Devastator figure and I can only say that I cannot wait for their take on a Doomsday! Especially if he is a build a figure and made to be massive.

2. Brainiac
One of the hero's most iconic villains definitely deserves one of the higher slots and while other companies have given their takes on the character such as the recent DC Essentials version, Mcfarlane is the one I'm waiting on to give us an incredible figure like they have for so many other characters. The Superman storyline in which he first combats Brainiac is one of the greatest of all time for the character in my opinion, and his recent outings with the Legion of Doom have been a ton of fun to read.

1. Lex Luthor
What other character could take the top spot in a list like this? Lex Luthor has been and will always be the greatest nemesis of the Man of Steel and it really shows how powerful a regular man can be if he truly puts his mind to it, that someone like Lex Luthor could be such a threat to Superman. There's so many great designs from the comics to take inspiration from! The massive green suit from earlier days, the slimmer tech suit from Forever Evil, and more recent Apex Lex reimagining, there's lots of choices and with several Jokers in the line already I hope it isn't long before Lex Luthor is given the Mcfarlane figure treatment as well.


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