Top 5 most wanted blue Power Rangers in Hasbro's Lightning Collection vol 3

Blue rangers have become as much a staple of the Ranger teams as the Red ranger has, with each and every show in the franchise having a blue ranger as one of the primary supporting characters of the shows. They many times can be some of the funnest, most loyal, and sometimes most serious characters. I'm not surprised that we have already gotten several blue rangers in Hasbro's Lightning Collection line already with how popular they traditionally are, and from my previous list talking about my most wanted Blue rangers in figure form we've now gotten Dino Thunder, SPD, and Lost Galaxy's blue rangers in the collection. So with lots more blue rangers still open to be done in this new 6 inch fashion, here is my revised and new list of most wanted Hasbro Lightning Collection 6 inch Blue ranger figures!

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5. Turbo
This may be a controversial entry because I know a lot of people weren't big fans of Justin but I actually enjoyed the idea of seeing the Morphin grid actually enhance someone's body noticeably. It has always been an idea that it puts you at peak physical strength, so with a child we get a Shazam situation where they're basically turned into an adult! I'm most curious about how the civilian headsculpt would be handed; because Justin's head would not look right on an adult body.

4. Jungle Fury
One of the many blue rangers who take their role very seriously, Theo was the stickler for rules in Jungle Fury and like I've mentioned about Jungle Fury before I absolutely love the suit designs! They look purely awesome and I cannot wait to start getting them in the line. I wouldn't mind is Theo was the first from this show to be made, as I greatly enjoyed seeing him loosen up over the show and his romantic interest in Lily was nice to see flourish. 

3. Wild Force
Wild Force is no doubt one of the best seasons of the show I have seen from the franchise and I'm still waiting every day for Wild Force to be announced or leaked to be coming to the line! A great cast of characters and villains backed up by an awesome story made this a truly great season for Power Rangers, and Max, the Wild Force blue ranger, was one of my favorites. His constant bid to be tough and strong despite his small stature is a tried and true character trait that played out great.

2. Ninja Storm

Two different characters get included in this entry as Ninja Storm actually had two blue rangers in its roster! Tori as the blue wind ranger marked the first ever blue female ranger in the shows history, and she herself was a ton of fun just like every other character in this hilarious show. She also got to return for the Once a Ranger crossover in Operation Overdrive! Her primary love interest, and one of the show's initial villains was the navy Thunder ranger, Blake! I've always loved the Thunder rangers with their awesome suit designs, and getting him and Hunter in a two pack would be perfect.

1. In Space
In Space has been taking up a lot of real estate in the line lately and I'm all for it, I adored the In Space season and to see it getting so much love from Hasbro makes me happy. The villains are being filled out fast, and in short time we've gotten Andros, Ashley, and Carlos from the ranger side! Some of my favorite characters of all time came from this In Space team, and TJ is no exception to that! He is greatly hailed as one of the best rangers of all time by fans, and hopefully that popularity translates to a figure in short order!


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