Top 5 most wanted blue Power Rangers in Hasbro's Lightning Collection vol 2

Hasbro's Lightning Collection of Power Rangers quickly gave us a lot of the blue rangers I had on the previous list, with Billy, Beast Morphers Blue, and Zeo Rocky all being produced in the line! So I'm back again making a list for the top 5 blue Power Rangers I hope to see in the line! This color is arguably one of the most popular, and definitely one of the most constant throughout the franchise so there is a lot to choose from. I've narrowed my list down once again though, and these are the rangers I chose!
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5. Lost Galaxy
After In Space, Lost Galaxy was out first venture into the seasons where the cast is changed each time. I think they did a good job of transitioning us to a new team of likable, new characters that we watched for a full season. Kai as the blue ranger was a really fun character as he strove to follow the rules and keep everyone on track, as much as other characters like Leo liked to go against the rules! The body mold for Lost Galaxy is here with the Leo figure we already got, so it wouldn't take much to give us his blue ranger compatriot.
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4. Ninja Storm
I'm including two rangers in this slot because there was technically two blue rangers in the season I would take both of! Tori as the blue ranger was a nice change up from the females always being pink or yellow, and she was a really funny character just like the rest of the cast from this season. I love the look of their uniforms and the uniforms get even cooler when talking about the navy ranger, Blake! I loved the inclusion of him and Hunter during the season, and with Blake and Tori's relationship I would see it fitting to get both of them in the Lightning Collection relatively close together.
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3. SPD
Sky ended up being one of the emotional core points of SPD, as his father was a red ranger and he strove to be a red ranger himself only to end up as the blue ranger! It was great seeing him go from a full of himself jerk to working alongside his team and open to following any of them into battle, earning himself the red ranger title by the end of the season! Just like Kai, Sky would be an easy one to pull off with Jack the red SPD ranger just being made and providing the body mold to use.
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2. Dino Thunder
This is one season I definitely hope to get in the line soon and with year two of the line approaching I'm hooping one of the new seasons we get will be this one! The look of these suits are absolutely incredible and really stand out to me with the white diamonds going down the arms and legs! Ethan provided us with the geek of the team and seeing him move past his brash exterior and open up to others, even playing sports alongside Conner, was a really great development for the character.
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1. In Space
We've technically gotten In Space in the line already with the Psychos; however, I really want them to get rolling on the In Space rangers to fight them! I loved this season and each of the characters that made it up! One of the my most favorite rangers was TJ who went from red ranger to blue ranger, but had no disappointment whatsoever. His demeanor is always so cheerful and jolly, making him one of the best original rangers from the franchise's origin shows, and I would welcome him into the line as the first In Space ranger we get!
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