Top 5 most wanted Mcfarlane DC Multiverse DCeased figures

DC's official sequel storyline to the breakout Dceased storyline just recently finished up and overall I have really enjoyed this alternate, zombified world that has been conjured up in the DC Multiverse! Its been a ton of fun and has had a great amount of intense, insane scenes that make it one of my favorite elseworlds universes in DC history! While for the most part everyone wore their standard uniforms in the story, there was a decent amount of new designs implemented as well and in this list I'll be celebrating the conclusion of Dceased: Dead Planet with my top 5 most wanted Mcfarlane DC Multiverse figures based on the Dceased universe!

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5. Any Zombies
Starting off with a very general list, I'd like any zombified version of a hero or villain that they want to do! DC Essentials delivered a few minor retools of their figures into zombies, some completely inaccurate to the storyline, and I think with Mcfarlane's sculpting abilities we could get truly gnarly versions of these undead characters if DC comics would allow him to do it. Flash, Superman, and Martian Manhunter are three stand out undead characters from the storyline I'd particularly like to see made!

4. Dead Planet Batman (Damien)
One of my favorite parts of Dead Planet's return to the universe is the time period that has elapsed and the new characters that have taken up old mantles, such as Damien Wayne taking on the identity of Batman from his father before him. His Batman was nowhere near as stoic and withdrawn, being openly friendly with those he had survived the apocalypse with, and it was a fun take on a possible future of the character who we're so used to as Robin.

3. Shazam (Cassandra Cain)
One of the best moments from the Dead Planet storyline in my opinion was Cassandra Cain becoming the avatar of Shazam! For such a quiet, normally speechless character it was so cool to see her don the Shazam mantle and scream that summoning! The design of her character upon taking this form, mixing her Batgirl costume with the Shazam uniform, would furthermore make for such a great figure in the line.

2. Dead Planet Superman (Jon Kent)
Just like Damien becoming Batman, it was awesome to see Jon take on the mantle of Superman after surviving the death of Earth. While we're getting plenty of that with Future State, this was really the first time that I was exposed to the character using that name and it was great to see him live up to that fantasy and fight for life like his father before him. I love a lot of the design elements of his costume as well, with the red streaks coming down his arms, and the black background to the Superman emblem. 

1. Green Canary
My absolute favorite new design and moment of character taking on a new mantle came early in the original Dceased storyline. When Green Lantern became infected and had to be put down by Green Arrow and Black Canary, Black Canary became the new wielder of the Lantern ring, effectively becoming a Green Lantern herself! It was an awesome turn and an great redesign for the character, not to mention her role in the story and relationship with Green Arrow throughout being one of the key hearts to this universe. I also have to mention that this figure would have to include a megaphone ring construct for one of the best scenes of the series!


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