The Flash S06 EP15 spoiler review

The Flash had a lot going on this episode and it left us with quite the episode to think about going into this extended break due to the Coronavirus outbreak. The trailer for the next episode says the show will return on April 7th so we have a couple weeks to absorb what went on in this episode, and so far here are my thoughts two days out from the airing of Flash's 15th episode of season 6!
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I may be wrong, but I think this may be our first episode ever without Iris in it? Fake Iris was there but real Iris wasn't seen at all, only mentioned, so that may be a first for the show. I also want to mention something I've talked about before where the show may have too many characters to juggle. I feel like it is obvious when characters don't show up just so the episodes aren't crowded, as Ralph has tragically only been in one episode of the last 5, Chester has only been in one where they made a big deal about him joining the team only for him to since be absent, and Allegra continuously disappears as well even though this seems like a huge episode for her to be a part of. This episode started off with the focus on a new meta criminal from Black Hole by the name of Sunshine, and then became a big Reverse Flash episode to deal with the current Nash storyline.

Sunshine herself I found an interesting villain in terms of visual effects, but I wasn't quite sure what her powers were. Teleportation, invisibility, laser beams, all caused a big problem for Team Flash who were trying to keep a piece of technology away from her. In the mirror world it is shown that Eva has tasked fake Iris and now fake Kamilla with retrieving it as it was something she developed before being trapped in the mirror dimension. What Carver wanted it for is unknown, but when Joe decides to hold onto it himself and hand deliver it to Singh for transport to ARGUS she attacked GCPD (What villain hasn't?) and they ultimately defeat her by trapping her in a room with no light source for her to gain power from. It was awesome getting to see Singh again for the first time this season, and having the group find a way to beat the villain that didn't involve Barry just running very fast.

After the resolution of that plot line, the episode devoted itself fully to the exorcism of Nash Wells. Thawne pretending to be a resurfaced Nash tricks the team into setting off an EMP that releases him and knocks them out, but instead of taking the opportunity to kill them all like he promised he instead ventures to the STARchives to steal the time bubble. Barry is able to stop him though and they lock him down on the table, leading to Cisco and Barry entering Nash's mind with Cecil's help to aid in the mental battle between Nash and Thawne. Nash finally confronts his own self conscious about the death of Allegra's doppelganger, a girl he had taken under his wing as an adventurer as well as a daughter who died trying to retrieve an artifact for him. He admits that it was his fault, and subsequently succeeds in purging his body of Thawne's negative tachyons. Cisco states that the tachyons weren't destroyed and Thawne could be out there trying to find a new body to inhabit, setting things up for his possible return but for the time being the Reverse Flash has been written out of the show. Nash as well seems to be leaving for a while, setting out but of course has made a strong bond with Cisco as all Wells do. It is an expected plot line at this point and hopefully season 7 steers away from this repetition, especially with Nash seemingly being the only remaining Wells alive.

The end of the episode sees that fake Iris and fake Kamilla (What happened to the real Kamilla remains to be seen) got their hands on the device Eva wanted, furthering whatever plans she has for escaping the mirror dimension! It will be a long wait until we see Barry and the team again, but next episode's trailer shows off the return of Rag Doll, and the plot synopsis teases Ralph's return!


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