The Flash S06 EP13 spoiler review

The Flash was back again and brought a really fun and entertaining episode with it that made great use of its titular character while providing some awesome comic book madness. We had the awesome return of Grodd, some new twists in Iris' mirror world storyline, and a very exciting post credit tease involving Nash. So here is the run down of my thoughts on the episode!
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Starting with the Iris stuff. Fake Iris snuck her way onto Joe's computer in order to get information about Joseph Carver, with which it is unclear what she's going to do with everything she's putting together. Meanwhile in the mirror world, Eva tells Iris that she built a machine that could potentially help them escape the mirror world; however, Eva demonstrates with her arms that anything that passes through the mirror now will burn. Iris proclaimed that they would find another way, and when she leaves to get Eva more bandages Eva stops faking pain from her injury. She speaks to fake Iris through the mirror, revealing that the two of them are working together, and things have no had a serious change in terms of where the Eva's story seems to be going, and if anything she's said up to this point has been true.

The main story of the episode involved Barry as he tried to rebuild Gideon, and in the process of doing so opened up his mind to a psychic attack that the comatose Grodd took advantage of! This lead to Barry and Grodd sharing a mind space, initially with Barry locked in a cage like Grodd once was, but then Grodd began to explain his motives and what he hoped to gain this episode. The villain explains that after being put in a coma, his mind had to rebuild itself after being cruelty shut down as Barry claimed it was a, "weapon." In that process, Grodd had many primitive thoughts before regaining complex thought, during which time he could no longer lie to himself about his actions and faced the fact that everything he has done up this point has been cruel and evil in itself. He tells Flash that he no longer wants to be evil, he just wants to return to Gorilla City which is the only place he has ever felt happiness, and he needs Barry to defeat the gatekeeper of his mindscape coma in order for him to escape. Barry is very reluctant at first, though after hearing Grodd's pleas he begins to trust the massive gorilla and at first tries to take down the gatekeeper himself which is revealed to be Solovar. Barry is unable to do it himself, leading to him confronting Grodd once more about how supposed changed motives.

Simultaneously in the episode, Team Flash at this point consists of Killer Frost, Chester, and Kamilla. Chester was a delight to have around and his fanboy energy was a burst of energy itself to the show, while Kamilla continues to really have no personality and was just there to be nice. Killer Frost is evidently a tech genius now, which I don't really get, but they determined that Barry and Grodd's mindspace will collapse if they don't escape soon and both of their minds will die.

Barry and Grodd agree to face Solovar together, and in their shared mindspace the two of them fuse into a speed force energized Gorilla Grodd which was insanely awesome to see! The fight that then took place between Grodd and Solovar was immense and spectacular, and the visual effects of the show really prove their capabilities with episodes like this! Barry gives Grodd the classic pep talk, "Run, Grodd, Run," and the two of them are able to defeat Solovar and escape before their mind world kills them both! Definitely one of the best moments in the show's history and overall I'm thinking this episode ranks as one of the best, and definitely one of the best Grodd episodes! In the end, ARGUS agrees to let Grodd go on probation as long as he is being tracked, and Barry officially welcomes Chester to the team.

The last bit of the episode involved Nash as Allegra found out that he had some connection to one of her doppelgangers, relationship still unknown, and before he could fully explain to her who that was he was confronted by a hallucination of Sherloque Wells. This hallucination told him, "He is coming," before his eyes lit up red and his face began to vibrate, eerily evoking the Reverse Flash! I can't wait for him to come back, and hopefully he is handled better than he has been lately with a good reason for where he has been this whole time!

Reverse Flash's tease could end up being awesomeness by the end of the season, as long as it doesn't overshadow the main storyline like he did to Cicada in season 5. The Iris and Eva stuff is becoming more and more interesting as we find out more and more pieces to the situation. And the Gorilla Grodd stuff was nothing but awesome and I loved the development they were able to give to Grodd by having him interact with Barry as a friend rather than as a foe mostly saying evil things. It was a great episode for him, and I can't wait for his eventual return! Possibly seeking the speed force after getting a taste of it? Next episode involves the return of Kid Flash which is going to be awesome, and I'll be there to watch it Tuesday night!


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