Top 5 things I want to see in Sonic the Hedgehog 2

To be honest, I wasn't sure how the Sonic the Hedgehog movie would be after watching the trailers. Even after the redesign I was skeptical about how good the movie itself would be, but after seeing it I can definitely confirm that it is a movie I found incredibly fun and I cannot wait for the sequel that I hope they make! The redesign also greatly saved the movie, because the original design would have been hard to watch. While fun, the movie was actually light on Sonic lore; however, the end of the movie teased a big character for the second film and with that I've thought about the top 5 things I would love to see in a Sonic sequel. So with spoilers ahead for the movie, here is my list!
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5. Robotnik's robots
By the end of the movie Dr. Robotnik has gone full on Eggman. He's got the outfit, the mustache, the bald head, and seems to have fully evolved into that crazy persona from the cartoons and videogames. I liked Robotnik in the first film but I'm even more excited to see what they do with him now, and I'm hoping to see a larger collection of robots for Sonic to fight throughout. I liked the drones that were used in the first film, but I'm hoping for more of the humanoid metal foes Eggman has typically built.
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4. Chaos emeralds
This is a huge part of the Sonic mythos that I was surprised wasn't mentioned in any way in the first movie, though the people behind the movie have said they didn't want to over complicate their first outing. That said, the sequels have to go somewhere and the quest for the Chaos Emeralds would be a great place to go and would make for fantastic Mcguffins in the film. And speaking of the Chaos Emeralds...
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3. Super Sonic
When Sonic collects all of the Emeralds he can become Super Sonic and I would love to see this super version of Sonic in the follow up. Sonic already has shown to be naive, but well adept with his powers so it would be interesting to see him responsible for so much power. It would also no doubt be an awesome third act climax for him to take on this form, as his energized, blue static mode at the end of the first movie was already really cool and didn't involve him turning yellow and flying!
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2. Exploration of Sonic's world
We got a little bit of this in the first movie, though only the tiniest bit during the beginning of the movie. It was an incredible look though and seemed as though it was taken right out of the first level of the original game! I loved the green striped world with ramps, loops, and the collapsing pieces of land notorious from the game. With the tease at the end of the movie it seems like we might get to see more of Sonic's world in the sequel and I'm excited for it!
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1. Sonic's friends
This is a huge one, and Sonic's cast of friends is highly popular as well so it only makes sense that the teaser for the sequel featured Tails showing up! That part had me squirming in my seat with excitement and I can't wait to see who else they bring into the next movie! Knuckles, Amy, Cream, Rouge; the whole ensemble of Sonic's friends would be a delight to see and with this iteration we would see how he meets all of them rather than already being friends when the story starts off.
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