Top 10 most wanted Star Wars the Black Series figures vol 3

Star Wars the Black Series as a line keeps getting better and better in my opinion. As a prequels fan, I love the recent influx of representation the line has given to that era of the franchise, along with the increased amount of aliens and robots it feels like we're getting! Articulation has never been better, photo real has made the figures look better than ever, and with this huge gap in movies that means the line has plenty of time to catch its breath and not only give us characters from the newer movies it missed, but also return to giving us tons of legacy characters from the original two trilogies. With the future wide open for the line to go above and beyond, here is my newly updated list of the top 10 Star Wars the Black Series figures I want most vol 3.
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Honorable mention: Garindan Spy
Falling back to an honorable mention, it still seems like the line is shying away from doing the random aliens from A New Hope but I hope that shifts soon. Some of those alien designs are the best in the whole franchise and I'd love to have all of them in 6 inch form, especially the Garindan spy! Since his body was cloaked the whole time they could easily re-use whatever body mold they want, just as long as they get the snouted headsculpt dead on!
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10. ROTJ Ackbar
Getting to the main list, this is one that has bugged me ever since The Last Jedi came out. For that film we got the episode 8 version of Admiral Ackbar, but that wasn't the version anyone wanted after so long a wait for such a fan favorite character! Ackbar is famous because of his appearance in the 6th film in the franchise, and with the head sculpt in existence I hope they sometime soon tool a new body mold to represent his first ever appearance. The white is also much more striking than the darker colors of his episode 8 figure.
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9. Ewoks
I would say that I'm surprised we haven't gotten these characters yet in the line, but we just got a Count Dooku not too long ago so surprise isn't something I feel. Still, the line feels like it has been churnign out long awaited figures at every turn recently and Ewoks will hopefully be a part of this influx. I recently watched Caravan of Courage and Battle for Endor as well and while those films really weren't great, the silliness of them really got me wanting Ewok figures even more than I already was! Whether they start with Wicket or another of his species, the Ewok craze must come soon!
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8. More Padme
I've talked about her a few times now on this blog, but Padme is one of my all time favorite characters in the franchise and her wardrobe is one of the most impressive of the whole series! We finally got our first Padme last year, but she has so many looks and styles that one figure is definitely not going to cut it! Phantom Menace alone has some amazing looks that have to be translated to this new scale, and with the prequels getting more focus in the line hopefully more Padme variations will be coming too.
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7. Episode 8 Luke
This is a figure I've been waiting on for a while and the wait is starting to kill me at this point. They made Luke in his white robes several times over, though the head sculpt leaves much to be desired, but the outfits I really want are either his Exile outfit or more importantly the outfit he wore in his Crait projection! It was one of the coolest scenes of the whole series in my opinion, and really showed the spectacular power a Jedi can have.
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6. Jar Jar
I know plenty of people will talk about how much they hate Jar Jar, and that if they see his action figure they will burn it and throw it in the trash, but after recent rewatches the character really doesn't bother me as much as I think he used to. The actor coming out about struggles related to the role due to fan backlash have also softened me to what I think was over reacting to what is basically just a goofy character. One thing for certain is that Jar Jar would make more an awesome looking action figure, as all aliens in Star Wars would.
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5. Moff Gideon
The next two slots are going to be focused on the Mandalorian tv show and I think they are pretty major parts of that series that should be coming to the line sooner rather than later. Moff Gideon was a late addition to the show's cast in terms of physical presence, but he was there since episode 1 with the order to bring baby Yoda back. When he finally made his appearance in person I was no disappointed as his entire attitude was one I enjoyed and made him a great bad guy. Not to mention he wields the Dark Saber which is a whole story unto itself, and the saber would be an amazing accessory for his figure.
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4. Beskar Armor Mandalorian
We got a hot selling figure of Mando right when the show hit, but in the actual series after episode 3 he sports a new set of armor plating for the rest of the series. It almost makes me glad that I was never able to find the original Mando figure because with the importance of this look for the character he will no doubt be getting a new figure in his Beskar armor, and that's the look I want. With the ending of season 1, they could also give him his jetpack and an unmasked head which would top it off for the definitive Mando figure.
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3. Prequel Jedi: Aayla, Ki Adi, Shaak
Kit Fisto and Plo Koon look absolutely amazing and it makes me more than excited for whichever prequel era Jedi we get next in the line! There are so many to choose from, and all of them would make more great choices in upcoming waves. More Jedi, more aliens, more females in some cases, they would all add much more diversity to the line and not to mention further bolster the prequel era ranks. Aayla Secura, Ki Adi Mundi, Shaak Ti, I could go on forever and make a whole list about it (Which I did)!
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2. Super Battle Droid/Droideka
At this point we have 3 different variations on the standard B1 Battle Droid figure, with more planned on the way I expect, but I hope that the other major Battle Droid designs from the prequels will be getting figures soon as well. The Super Battle Droid is an impressive, bulky, tough design that would look great in the display and could appeal to newer fans as well with their appearance in the Mandalorian. Destroyer Droids have always been popular and I think would make for good deluxe releases in the line with their added mass and complexity, with hopefully the ability to roll up like seen in the films!
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1. More Rogue One
In a recent interview, Hasbro mentioned how next year will be the 5 year anniversary of Rogue One and it made me realize that since the release of the movie we haven't gotten a single figure for it in the line! Nearly 5 years later, and we're still missing major characters from the film's cast such as Bodhi Rook and Saw Gerrera, both are at the top of my own wishlists! Rogue One is definitely one of my favorite Star Wars movies of all time, and I think that these characters and the movie in general need to be visited once again in the line to finally finish our cast! When Hasbro mentioned the anniversary, it was when they were mentioning how they are aware of anniversaries for the line itself (such as Phantom Menace's 20th last year, and ESB's 40th this year) so hopefully that means that they have Rogue One plans for next year's anniversary.
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