Top 5 most wanted Star Wars the Black Series A New Hope Cantina aliens

Hasbro's Star Wars the Black Series line hasn't quite delved deeply into the alien side of the Star Wars franchise yet; however, with the list of main and secondary characters dwindling further and further I have no doubt that these background aliens that Star Wars is famous for will soon get their do. So many iconic designs have been brought to us from Star Wars and while many of them last mere moments on the screen, they are forever considered an important part of the series and there is no group of aliens more well known and beloved by fans than the Cantina aliens from A New Hope! It is here that we're given a huge dose of the kind of creative, imaginitve alien designs Star Wars would continue to give us for years, and these are the top 5 aliens from this scene I hope get made in 6 inch plastic form soon!
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5. Helrot
I don't even remember seeing this guy in the scene but I've seen his 3.75 inch figure and this alien design is one that I immediately fell in love with. The eerie, ghoulish headsculpt would make for a stand out figure in the collection and one that would no doubt be unique against anything else that is made by the company for the line.
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4. Muftak
This one could easily be bought up by fans to make army builders for a Clone Wars display; however, he would also well represent the patron of the Catina. I've always really liked this alien design with its shaggy hair, bulbous head, and four glassy eyes; not to mention the trunk like appendage on his face.
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3. Hammerhead
My personal favorite out of the designs given to us by this scene, the Hammerhead alien has a really incredible alien design that would be an absolute stand out in the Black series if it were to be given the chance. Not only is the head a sight to behold, but unlike most of the aliens in the franchise who wear regular clothes with the alien headsculpt being their only differing distinction, the Hammerhead also has large, plodding feet as well as a pair of obviously non-human hands. All this would contribute to a great action figure.
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2. Bith band members
This is one that I thought could easily be released as a $30 deluxe pack. The way I'm imagining it would be one figure that comes with all of the instruments, letting you buy multiples and Hasbro would really make their money off one figure as its bought in multiples by fans. A multi pack is another option and would leave us with less duplicate instruments lying around. Whatever route they go down, the Bith band members are one of the most iconic staples of the Catina and a Star Wars design that deserves to be realized in the line.
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1. Ponda Baba and Dr Evazen
I'm doubling up in this last slot for a pair of characters who really can't be separated from one another. These two are the obnoxious, rude, ugly patrons who randomly picked a fight with Luke and ended up losing to Obi Wan. Dr Evazen skews more towards the human side of things, albeit with a horribly disfigured face, but Ponda Baba is the one with the real action figure appeal here. The grotesque head design with bulbous masses as well as fur on its head would look great in figure form just like Helrot and the Hammerhead alien. Either two figures released close together or a two pack, thats how I'm hoping to one day get these two.
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