Top 5 most wanted Atom villains in the CW Arrowverse

Atom's time in the Arrowverse has seemingly come to a close but I don't think that should mean his legacy in the comics should be forgotten completely. The Arrowverse will still need a rich plethora of villains to face, and with big time Atom foes like Chronos, Dwarfstar, and Bug Eyed Bandit all appearing on the franchise as a whole I'm looking towards what other Atom enemies could still plague the CW's heroes even in Ray Palmer's absence. With the shows all on hiatus, and nothing but speculation currently available for the future, here are the top 5 Atom villains I hope to see in the CW's Arrowverse universe!
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A short lived Atom villains in the comics, Strobe stole an experimental suit in order to commit crimes with a big focus on making himself famous in the process. They could easily be a villain of the week for any of the shows, and having an experimental armored suit opens the door for just about anything being possible for the villain to be adapted towards if he makes the jump from comics to live action.
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Magic is becoming more and more of a commonplace thing in the Arrowverse, and with Constantine having a big presence on Legends of Tomorrow recently it could be the perfect place to inject even more magic with Wizardo! A goofy show like Legends of Tomorrow further seems like the best place for a character like this, as the showrunners would no doubt have a ton of fun with a villain capable of other worldly abilities.
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Maybe one of the scarier villains that could appear in the Arrowverse, Humbug has a quite monstrous face and his ability to transplant his consciousness into other bodies could provide a lot of havoc for the heroes as they try and stop him. It could make the villain quite difficult to defeat, and hard to find which body exactly Humbug is inhabiting at any given moment.
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This villain's goofy concept is one that could make him perfect for a villain of the week, or even just a random villain during an episode that has to be taken down. Or who knows, maybe he could even be portrayed as a true threat. All I know is that I want the Arrowverse to adapt this villain to live action, a character who wears a torpedo shaped helmet and launches himself as a human cannonball!
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Floronic man (Plant Master)
No doubt the most well known villain on this list, Jason Woodrue started out as an Atom villain called Plant Master before later becoming the Floronic Man. His abilities of plant manipulation as well as his freakish environmental design would make for a very memorable villain on the show if used correctly. He was also responsible for the creation of Poison Ivy in one continuity and who knows, could that lead to her creation in the Arrowverse as well?
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