Top 5 wanted Dark Souls 2 bosses for Dark Souls the Board Game

Releases have been very slow for Steamforged Games Dark Souls the Board Game expansions ever since the game itself launched. But very soon they will finally catch up to their promised offerings from the initial kickstarter with Manus coming out midway through October, and then...we'll just have to wait and see what comes next! They've said in the past that they hope to continue the game and support it with new expansions, so while I've looked at the first game in the Dark Souls trilogy already, I'm moving on to the second game in the series with my top 5 most wanted Dark Souls 2 bosses in the board game!
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Ranking the Dark Souls the Board Game kickstarter exclusive expansions
Top 5 wanted Steamforged Dark Souls The Board Game bosses

5. Royal Rat Vanguard
I don't know what it is about this group encounter boss fight that appeals to me but I really like it. The second game had no shortage of these kinds of boss fights where it is essentially just a horde, and I'm very interested as well to see how it would be handled in the board game! Having a swarm of little rat minis, one of them wearing a mohawk, is something I can imagine fighting and having fun.
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4. Looking Glass Knight
One of the strongest and most intimidating bosses from the second game was definitely the Looking Glass Knight! He provided for a great challenge and it would be a lot of fun to translate that into the board game like we've done with several powerful foes now like Sir Alonne and Artorius. With the Invaders expansion also, I'm wondering if that could somehow tie into this boss encounter!
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3. Demon of Song
I don't recall the actual fight being anything special, but the Demon of Song itself has such a unique and compelling design as many Dark Souls bosses do! Being a giant frog with a horrifying face and pair of arms coming from its mouth is something that would make for a truly terrific and impressive mini in the board game!
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2. Duke's Dear Freja
These last two include two of the "big four" bosses that you fight during the game. The Duke's Dear Freja is an impressive foe for the lore and its just a monstrous spider who already killed the being who possessed the Lord soul, and now you have to kill this creature to get it who isn't even one of the Lords reincarnation! An ugly spider with the elongated, closely tucked legs like this bosses design would also be a cool mini figure to have.
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1. The Rotten
One of the bosses who would make for one of the most impressive figures in the game, the Rotten is made up of dozens of rotting corpses jumbled together in all sorts of disgusting and revolting manners. Corpse arms do the work of walking where its legs should be, and a lone corpse protrudes from the Rotten's shoulder and seems to control the actions of this monster. I shudder thinking about this creature but I cannot wait for it to hopefully be added to the game one day.
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