Top 5 most wanted Star Wars Rebels Black Series figures

Hasbro's love for the Clone Wars era of Star Wars is very present at the moment. We've had several figures based on the show revealed and upcoming, with no doubt more on the horizon to be unveiled for fans! Another animated show that I hope starts getting the same kind of treatment is Rebels. While it wasn't immediately loved by fans, and still hasn't built up the popularity Clone Wars has, it was still a rich addition to the Star Wars fandom that had proven to be beloved. We finally got the sixth and final member of the Ghost's crew lately with Zeb, and along with him rereleases of the previous five members. Hasbro obviously knows the show's potential for figures by rereleasing all these figures knowing they'll be bought up, and here are five more Rebels characters I hope get introduced to the 6 inch figure line soon!
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5. Seasons 3/4 versions of the crew
With how long it took us to get the season 1 iteration of the crew, I'm hesitant to say I want Hasbro to start on the later versions as well but honestly the later seasons of the show are what really won me over. Ezra and Kannan's later season versions are the two I'm most hoping to get, as Ezra transformation into an older, more mature hero was a great arc for him. I cannot say enough about Kannan's story throughout the series, and his final episodes were truly heroic and showed the greatness of what a Jedi can become.
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4. Agent Kallus
Now that we have Zeb, one of the most obvious additions to the line now would be Agent Kallus. The rival and eventually ally of Zeb, this is an Imperial loyalist who went through a great deal of change throughuot the show's lifetime. He started pretty one dimensional, purely evil and intent on stopping the heroes as well as Zeb who was the final member of a species Kallus had evidently helped exterminate. Watching this relationship eb and flow over the years the show ran were great, and whether he is opposing the group or standing alongside them, I'd love to get Kallus in the line.
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3. Season 2 Inquisitors
One of the most recent big additions to the lore are the Inquisitors, force sensitive beings employed by Vader and the Empire to hunt Jedi who survived Order 66. They've seen a lot of life in the franchise from videogames, to comics, and books; however, their most popular appearances still come from their origin in the Rebels tv show. Season 2 brought in a duo of fearsome Inquisitors who caused a lot of trouble throughout the show's second year, and were joined by a third member as the season reached its close. I've always been a sucker for groups, and a group of lightsaber wielding Sith-like alien beings sounds like one of the coolest things Star Wars has to offer.
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2. Maul
One of the best things to happen to the show was Maul. He arrived in the end of season 2 and really breathed life into the story and altered the course of how a lot of things were progressing. He tempted Ezra towards the dark side, pushing the young padawan towards maturity and his overall destiny. Maul's story then came to a close as he confronted Obi Wan for the first time in decades, and while a lot of people express dissatisfaction with their overall battle, I thought it was perfect. This was Maul's first appearance in decades in terms of Star Wars lore, and it did not disappoint.
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1. Grand Inquisitor
We got the season 1 versions of the heroes, and I think next it is time we got the season 1 villain himself and one of the most recognizable faces of the Rebels series. The Grand Inquisitor introduced the concept of Inquisitor's to the Star Wars franchise and a larger audience, his gnarly appearances and spinning lightsaber paved the way for how these henchmen of the Empire would be popularized and he provided a great threat against the crew of the Ghost. Surely one of the most popular creations from this corner of the galaxy, and I hope Hasbro takes notice soon.
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