Top 5 most wanted Star Wars the Black Series Republic Commando videogame figures

Hasbro's Black Series line has made a big focus lately into their videogame department with their Gaming Greats line of Gamestop exclusive figures! They've all hailed from videogames from across Star Wars' history, and I coudln't be more happier for this media of the franchise to be getting a larger focus from the toyline! Many figures have been trooper types; however, we've gotten a Darth Nihilus which is incredible and I'm excited to see where the line goes next! One of my favorite games from the franchise has to be Republic Commando, with its focus on a hardcore group of Clone Commandos during the war with some impressive level design and fun characters. Here are the top 5 figures I would like most from this classic!
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Top 5 most wanted Star Wars Black Series videogame figures

5. B1 Battle Droids
Most of the Battle Droids from the game were the same designs that we've seen in the movies with the exception of some of the B1 Battle Droids who were an eerie gray with bright, seemingly glowing white eyes. I absolutely loved this design and it gave me horror vibes, like they belonged in some kind of Star Wars terror film. This would be an easy repaint for the line, and another trooper type which the line loves.
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4. Fixer
One of the most charismatic members of the team, Fixer was the resident tech genius on the team which earned him his namesake. His green armor provided one of the most aesthetically pleasing designs of the team, and so I'm not stating it throughout the entire article I'll say it here that I love the design of the Republic Commando. So I hope Hasbro hurries up, sculpts this armor type, and gives us more than enough repaints and reuses of the Republic Commando design to satiate me.
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3. Sev
The calm, gritty member of the team was Sev and the striking red markings across his armor were definitely a sight that made him stand out against the others. It looked like blood smearing in a lot of places, and I think that deco would look great in the Black Series format. Sev ended up one of the more emotional points in the game by the end, further earning him a place in the Black Series line.
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2. Scorch
This was the character I found the most fun out of the core four Clone Commandoes that we played as. This character had a proclivity for explosions and fire, and his design followed that with the yellow markings across his armor. I also want to mention that I adore the designs of the weapons for these characters, and it'd be awesome to get their heavy weaponry in figure form.
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1. Boss
The character we spend the game playing as is the one that obviously takes the top spot for me. The orange paint on his armor looks the best to me out of the four colors on the team and have become almost synonymous for the look of the Clone Commandoes in my eyes. He makes the most sense to start with if the line is going to delve into this awesome trooper type which can obviously be used several times over in the Gaming Greats line, even for a plain white Commando from Battlefront 2! But of course, if we get any commandoes I hope it is the iconic Boss and his squad.
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