Top 5 most wanted Transformers WFC Kingdom Beast Wars figures vol 2

Yesterday Hasbro finally went and revealed our first official looks at the Kingdom line of War for Cybertron figures coming out soon! They look fantastic and while we've seen Cheetor and Rattrap already due to online leaks, the third Beast Wars figure we were treated to was a leader class T-Rex Megatron who looks absolutely killer! I cannot wait to see the updates to the Beast Wars figures continue and more of these classic character get realized once again in plastic form! From my previous list, we now have Cheetor and Megatron revamped for a new age, with Blackarachnia having leaked out prior giving me precedent to redo a dwindling list and update it with my new top 5 most wanted Beast Wars figures in the Transformers Kingdom line!
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Top 5 most wanted Transformers WFC Kingdom Beast Wars figures vol 1
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5. Tigatron
This character in Beast Wars reminded a little bit of Hound from G1, as both felt very in tune with Earth in a way many of the other characters we not. Tigatron was a loner, and in the same vein as Beachcomber found himself very concerned about the damage being done to the planet by the Autobot's war. I'd love to get this character as the line goes deeper, and a white tiger will always be a cool alt mode.
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4. Waspinator
Played heavily for comedy in the show, Waspinator is one of the characters who has gone on to appear in several other Transformers media such as the Animated television show. His abrasive voice and lack of intelligence is an iconic thing for the Beast Wars era and he is no doubt one of the most popular parts to come from the series. This alone should factor into him getting a figure sooner rather than later, and hopefully we'll see one soon!
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3. Dinobot
No doubt having one of the best arcs in the show, and one that I know fans across the franchise adore, Dinobot started out as one of the bad guys before going on a transformation that left him in a much different place than when he started out. Ruled by honor, skillful in combat, Dinobot also has an absolutely awesome design and by the incredible look of Megatron's T-rex mode I'm so excited to see another dinosaur combiner!
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2. Rhinox
Like I mentioned in the first version of this list, Rhinox was a huge part of the cast and he came across many times as the heart, brains, and brawn of the Maximals all in one! He would go great alongside the Rattrap that we now officially have revealed, and with how great the animal modes are looking so far I cannot wait for his rhinoceros mode to be unveiled!
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1. Optimus Primal
At this point, there isn't much of anyone else who could have taken this top slot. Now that Beast Wars figures are officially revealed and very palpable to be on the way, the need for an Optimus Primal update to go along with the other Maximals is so necessary that it hurts. I could give a speech about it, just as Primal would do, but I'll just sit and wait impatiently for one of the greatest Cybertronian leaders and heroes to be given to us again.
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