Top 5 most wanted Star Wars the Black Series Carbonized figures

A popular new subline in the Black Series line has come out in the form of Carbonized figures,  figures which have shiny new coats of paint that look a lot glossier than their original releases. There was a handful released last year alongside the Rise of the Skywalker merchandise push, and now two more releases in Boba Fett and the Stormtrooper have been revealed. It seems this subline has the intention of continuing on, and I've got in mind five past figures that I'd love to see get this premium shiny new deco treatment!
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5. Battle Droids
I love the prequel series Battle droids and definitely want more of them in the main line, and this could be another variant for collectors to snatch up and add to their Separatist army. A very glossy tan finish to the mechanical parts of this army builder could make for a standout part of the traditionally plain Battle droid coloring.
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4. C-3po and R2-D2
Doubling up for this slot, we've yet to see any characters get the Carbonized treatment who aren't characters in army; however, just like the Battle droid I think that this deco could look great on the droids of the Star Wars universe! C-3po is already a traditionally shiny character, though I think this deco could be a step up from what we have gotten. On R2's front, most of his releases have been plain in color and those that weren't were a dirty variant so an extremely clean and shiny R2 would be a first for the line!
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3. Imperial Troopers
A few troopers have already gotten this treatment in the line, but there is still more out there to become shiny and stand out among the rest of the ranks. Death Troopers are one I'd like to see along with the Tie fighter pilots, both of whom would be cast in a very nice, black shiny coloring like the Second Sister Inquisitor before them.
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2. Clone troopers
Speaking of troopers, the next biggest trooper faction that hasn't been touched upon by this subline yet is the Clone troopers who were plenty during the prequel times. It has been a while since we got a standard clone trooper that wasn't in some kind of multipack so it could be a good outlet for release, especially if it is a glossy version of the plain white phase 2 Clone trooper who was probably the hardest to get out of all the variants we've gotten so far.
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1. Sith lords
The Inquisitor and Boba Fett along with the Mandalorian all show that characters in armor that aren't troopers can come out great in the line, even if the shiny paint on the cloth portions of the characters may look a little strange. Other armored characters that I think could definitely benefit from this type of release are the two helmeted Sith lords from both the original trilogy and sequel trilogy. Kylo Ren has gotten a lot of figures over the years but with basically all of his looks from the now concluded sequel trilogy covered this could be a good outlet for a final figure for a while. Darth Vader on the other hand has been the subject of continuous release and each time he sells as one of the most popular characters in the entire franchise! I would be surprised for Darth Vader to go much longer without getting the carbonized treatment, and like I mentioned before, the shiny black definitely looks nice.
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