Top 5 most wanted updated Transformers the Movie (1986) figures

The original Transformers tv show is well beloved by a lot of fans, but one thing that really sticks out while talking to the fandom is the iconic nature of the original 1986 movie! It was shocking and provided a lot of big moments that fans weren't expecting, as well as adding in characters that would go on to become legacy characters included in most Transformers media such as Ultra Magnus, Galvatron, and Unicron! The G1 War for Cybertron line currently running as included movie specific characters already with the Quintessons, Allicons, Unicron himself, and many of the heroes; however, there are quite a few characters introduced in this original film that I'd like to see in the toyline in the future, and these are the five I chose.
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5. Cyclonus
Galvatron's right hand man introduced in the movie and then appearing throughout the rest of the series, Cyclonus was a loyal, stone cold soldier who obediently did his master's requests, a stark contrast to Starscream before him. I found his manner comparable to Ultra Magnus on the Autobot's side, and the two even had an episode forcing them to work together to sort through a mess! There's evidently rumors already that prototypes of his figure may have been shown, though no listing or concrete information has been found so he ranks at the bottom of the list due to his high probability.
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4. Wheelie
This was one of the most colorful characters to came out of the movie and that was due to his inherent tick of rhyming every time he spoke! He managed to tame the mighty Grimlock quite easily, and went on to become friends with Daniel during the rest of the series. He would likely be around the size of Cliffjumper when compared to current deluxe class figures, and his bright pink colors would make him stand out against a lot of the other bots.
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3. Sharkticon
I've always loved each version of the Quintesson race and while I'm not sure the Sharkticons are classified as such, they work directly beneath them so I associate the races together. The same goes for the Allicons which were fantastic to see made into figure form alongside the Judge, so I'm hoping that the movie Quintesson scene further gets filled out and we have a Sharkticon to army build and go after any figures of Hot Rod and Kup we have lying around.
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2. Hot Rod
Speaking of Hot Rod, I would love a new figure for him dedicated to being Hot Rod rather than transforming into the inner body of a very chunky Rodimus figure like what happened in Power of the Primes. He is one of the most well known characters of the franchise and while many fans blame him for the death of Optimus Prime, I think he is one of the more complex characters of the series and seeing him as an unsure and self conscious leader was a great contrast to what we had before.
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1. Galvatron
I know that a lot of the War for Cybertron line is still supposed to be centered around Megatron and Optimus fighting, but I hope soon that Galvatron enters the fray to give us a good looking new version of the Decepticon leader! After his reconstruction by Unicron, Galvatron became a deadly and tyrannical threat who murdered Starscream and ruthlessly hounded the Autobots! While he became more comical in nature during the show's third and fourth seasons, the original iteration of him from the movie is still a character to be feared.
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