Top 5 most wanted Halo Spartans in Jazwares' Spartan Collection

Jazwares line of Halo figures has so far been a lot of fun, and really well done. While there were quite a few QC issues plaguing the first wave of figures, that seems to be completely rectified with wave 2 which boasts a great line up of great looking figures! I love the spartan designs in general, and while no name spartan designs have been getting figures, there have also been some awesome characters chosen for the line as well such as Jerome, Emile, and Kat! At this point, there haven't been any aliens in the line, and the title of the line being the "Spartan Collection" is worrying me that we wont get any larger scale aliens from Jazwares, but with the focus currently on Spartans I will embrace that. These are my top 5 most wanted Halo Spartans from Jazwares' Spartan Collection!

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5. Fireteams Blue and Osiris
Halo 5 introduced to a whole bunch of new Spartan characters that lead the story and we followed them throughout the game. From Vale to Fred, to Tanaka, to Linda and Kelly, they were all really interesting characters to play alongside and to get to know across the length of the game. I'm excited to hopefully see more of them not only in the next game, but the toyline, and Jazwares has promised more female characters going forward which at the very least gives Vale, Linda, Kelly, and Tanaka better chances.

4. Buck
I did not include Buck in the last slot because he deserves a slot all to himself in my opinion. He is one of the most popular Halo characters out there and has appeared in multiple games across the series, all the way back to Halo: ODST, up to his role as a Spartan in Halo 5! He is charismatic, funny, and a great character amongst the cast who I hope is done soon!

3. More Master Chief
Master Chief being in the first wave of the line was an absolute no brainer! While I don't want every wave to consist of a Master Chief, I would like to get his other armored looks throughout the series at one point. Halo: Combat Evolved is purely iconic, while other designs like his Halo 4 design were really detailed and impressive to look at. I can't imagine it will be long until the flagship characters gets another figure, and I'm here for it.

2. Douglas and Alice

A very pleasant surprise in wave 2 was the inclusion of Jerome from Halo Wars 2, one of my personal favorite characters from across the franchise. With his introduction, I'm hoping that we'll soon get his two comrades pretty soon as well. Douglas and Alice didn't have as much impact as Jerome did, mostly being support for him, but they were both characters I enjoyed greatly and putting together that trio would be an awesome display!

1. The rest of Noble Team
Whenever I've talked about Halo in the past, I've made it no mystery that Reach is my favorite game of the franchise and that the characters composing Noble Team are some of my favorite videogame characters of all time! I was so thrilled when the line jumped immediately into Reach, giving us Kat right off the bat and then instantly following up with Emile in wave 2! I sincerely hope that this train of Reach figures keep up and we get the rest of the team: Six, Carter, Jorge, and Jun! Thom would be really fun as well, but for the time being I will settle for putting together this amazing team of heroes.


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