Top 5 most wanted Mcfarlane DC Multiverse figures from the Black Adam (2022) movie

DC's Black Adam movie is fast approaching, and while I was initially not very excited about the film I've grown more and more eager in anticipation as more and more information has come out about the film! I can't wait to see the Justice Society make their DCEU debut and I'm excited to see Black Adam act as a more hardcore, deadly hero. With DC having a big movie debut I have no doubt that Mcfarlane will show up to provide action figures for the release, but with the characters we know so far are in the movie this list will break down the characters I want to see most in figure form at this time!

5. Dr. Fate
Doctor Fate isn't the most prominent character in DC lore so I thought it was awesome when Mcfarlane gave us a version of this character from the Injustice videogame, and I definitely will not be saying no to getting another version of the character who definitely needs more action figure love. I can't wait to see him in live action in a bug budget movie, helping lead the DCEU's version of the JSA!
(Image Source)

4. Black Adam
This has been building for a while, DC working to give us a Black Adam movie, and Dwayne Johnson is finally bringing this epic character to the big screen in a big way! The Rock has done a lot to promote this movie and get me actually excited for it, and especially with the violent, eerie teaser we got during DC fandome I can't wait to see his take on the character!

3. Hawkman
This a character I've been wanting to see in Mcfarlane's line for a while, and if it is a live action depiction of the character that means there will just be ever more details and sculpting to be captured! The wings are the big draw for me, as I'm sure they will look spectacular in figure form if the Batman who Laughs with Sky Tyrant wings is anything to go off of!
(Image Source)

2. Cyclone
These last two picks are two characters I am beyond excited to see joining the DCEU in what seems to be major roles in a film! Cyclone is one of my favorite younger JSA members of all time, and I can't wait to see her green outfit and wind abilities brought to life on the big screen! Even if it isn't her comic rendition also, getting an action figure from Mcfarlane based on this character would be fantastic!!

1. Atom Smasher
By far one of my top 5 character JSA members of all time, Atom Smasher is the character I'm looking forward to seeing most! The Flash tv show didn't do the character justice, so his second modern live action outing will hopefully deliver more of the character from the comics and with the bigger budget I can't wait to see his mass shifting abilities in full force! My only hope is that he comes as a mega figure, to tower over the other figures!

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