Batwoman S01 EP03 spoiler review

I feel like with this third episode the show is really starting to find itself and tonight Kate continued her journey with a really fun episode filled with self exploration and the introduction of a major Batman foe. Here is my review of the third episode in Batwoman's first season!
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The city is basically in an uproar at this point because people believe that Batman has returned! Villains are clamoring for him to make himself known once again, and the streets are actually starting to become more dangerous with criminals essentially taunting Batman to appear again after being gone for so long. Kate is grappling with this issue, while the other characters in the show deal with their own slights.

Sophie has been appointed as Mary's personal guard after Alice threatened Jacob's family in the previous episode; which it remains to be seen how Mary's underground medical center will be able to function with Sophie potentially tailing Mary there and finding out about her illegal hideout. That provided for some great moments though, and we got to see these two characters interact more who clearly don't get along very well; primarily because Mary wishes Sophie had gotten with Kate rather than marrying a man who at three episodes in really doesn't impress me as a character. Seems like he is set up as a plank of wood to eventually be left behind once Sophie obviously ends up with Kate later on.

The main brunt of the episode was focused around Tommy Elliot though who has returned to Gotham to gloat about having more money than Bruce Wayne. This version of Hush isn't a surgeon, he is a real estate agent who was best friends with Bruce, and who is now confident Bruce is back. It is never quite explained how Tommy found out Bruce is Batman, but he does, and he puts a lot of innocent people in danger trying to bring Batman out. I thought that the actor did a good job with this version of the character, but I think I still prefer the surgeon origin for the character, and the more good hearted persona that wouldn't be suspected of evil. This conflict with Tommy forced Kate to make a decision about being a caped crusader, and how she wanted to confront the issues of everyone thinking she was Batman. So she finally fixed up the suit with the red emblem and red hair seen in the Elseworlds crossover, and confronted Tommy who was more than surprised to find that it wasn't Batman in the city. After a brief tussle, Tommy was carted off to Arkham Asylum, and Kate fully embraced her role as Batwoman, the name being dropped Sophie while the news reported on the new look.

Alice's role was scaled down from last week, but the opening of the episode saw Kate telling her that if she couldn't go another 24 hours without killing them she would forget that Beth was ever her sister. Alice later broke into Jacob's home with the help of a compromised Crow agent; promptly killed the agent, and explored the home. Of course though, Kate will not give up on her sister, and this episode gave more credence to Kate's stepmother being more of a big villain this season. Alice seemingly left behind a set of playing cards arranged for her once they returned to the house, and Catherine swiftly hid them before her husband or anyone else could see them. Their meaning remains to be seen, but does Alice know that there is more going on with the stepmother than she lets on? To be honest, I'm hoping that the force behind the stepmother is more interesting than the stepmother herself because at this point all that defines her is the twist; there is no personality and a serious lack of screen time to give her one.

Kate's journey into her own hero is really flourishing and I'm loving the conflict she found herself in by potentially making Gotham more dangerous by giving the people an idea that Batman was back. With Tommy popping up in this episode, and fellow villain Magpie making an appearance next week, it makes me wonder if more villains of the week will be seething into Gotham searching for Batman or the new Bat vigilante. Batman's rogues gallery is expansive so that prospect is exciting, and we'll see how this journey continues next week!


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