Top 5 most wanted Suicide Squad members in the DCEU

I was very excited for the first Suicide Squad movie when it was coming out. I love the animated films following the team, and the entire concept really stood out to me as we're used to characters never dying in comic book stories; so a series based around characters potentially dying I found really fresh. The first film didn't quite live up to expectations though, only killing off one or two characters, while also not being that great of a movie in the first place. The second seems to have real promise. Made by James Gunn, including a ton of low tier characters that are probably not going to live to the film's end (Unlike the first film which included rank A characters like Killer Croc and Deadshot who were unlikely to die), and overall looking like a big redirection from the first film which works for me. As we inch closer and closer to the film's release, I've been thinking about which Suicide Squad members I'd like to see int he movies down the road, possibly as cameos in the upcoming film, and here are the top 5 I could think of.
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5. Bronze Tiger
This is a big character from the comics and a major part of the Suicide Squad in several iterations; however, the only reason he is lower on the list is because he's potentially appearing in the next film played by Idris Elba. So his place in the movies may already be locked. If not, he's still very classic character that I'd love to one day get in the movies.
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4. Blockbuster
Speaking of classic comic characters, Blockbuster was part of the first Suicide Squad that would resemble what we now know as the concept these days of taking supervillains and forcing them into a team. He was also the first and only death of the Suicide Squad in their first mission, giving him even more credence as a character, and one that should show up at least briefly in the new films.
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3. Plastique
This character is here because of the uniqueness of her powers which I think could really make her stand out from the other members! Having a character who can turn anything into an explosive just by touching it offers a lot of variety for what she can do, as well as the potential for the accidents she may cause that could result in her death or another team member's death, fitting well in the Suicide Squad fashion. The character appeared in an episode of the Flash tv show, albeit as a heroic character unlike the villainous persona in the comics that the Suicide Squad could tap into.
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2. Multiplex
I really love this character, it is another villain who appeared on the Flash tv show that I think was handled much better than Plastique and I can already imagine what a movie would be able to do with a character like him! Multiplex has the power to self duplicate, creating clones of himself, which is a power I think hasn't been fully realized in movies and tv before. He would be a good fodder, lesser known member for the team who could be later killed off, potentially with bombs in each of clones necks going off making for a very ghastly death.
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1. Killer Frost
Just like Bronze Tiger, this is another Suicide Squad member who is classic from the comics! She's a more recent member, but still has made her stay worthwhile and would make for an obvious addition to any movie line up. Her power set would also be wholly unique compared to the others on the team which can be what makes the comic line up very fun at times, and her ice based powers would definitely look great on screen. So hopefully this chilling character can make her big screen appearance soon.
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