The Flash S06 EP03 spoiler review

Flash sped onto screens with its third episode of its 6th season last Tuesday, and while I haven't been nearly as quick with getting this review out, I thought the episode was a lot of fun and had some of the best moments so far this season!
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It immediately opened with a horror movie-esque sequence of the zombie Ramsay created last episode killing a group of arms dealers in possession of dark matter. It was a chilling start to the episode, and everything with Ramsay I thought was really great! I have to mention it though because it is just really bugging me this season, I'm not super into Killer Frost's arc right now. She's continuing to act like a moody, angsty teenager who doesn't want to listen to anyone and listen to loud music all day. She even rolls her eyes and walks away from Barry when he was trying to tell her something; it doesn't make her cool and punk, it makes her annoying and just seem like what I said: an angsty teenager. She's one step away from screaming, "This is unfair! You don't understand me!"

The mention of dark matter caused Killer Frost to suspect Ramsay who she promptly got super mad at after he explained that he tried to dark matter procedure and saw positive results. He claimed that the dark matter came from another scientific facility, which Killer Frost bought, but she still acted like he went behind her back and did something wrong. The man is literally trying to cure cancer and with the proper testing probably could, Killer Frost/Caitlin isn't even considering the impact that could have on lives everywhere. Ramsay needs more testing though to refine it and until then, he is continuing to die, but agrees to aid team Flash in stopping the zombie and in that process we get a really awesome conversation between Ramsay and Barry. The latter discovers Ramsay trying to steal STAR labs dark matter, and both of them have a discussion about facing death and their differing views about it. Ramsay believes it takes courage to fight it, but Barry believes it takes even more to accept it. I thought their entire conversation was really profound and it really boosted Ramsay as a character, who ultimately conceded not to steal their dark matter. The zombie came for the dark matter though, and after Ramsay discovered he could control the zombie like a voodoo doll, Barry and Killer Frost promptly killed the undead beast after finding it was uncontainable.

A lot of the episode dealt with Barry telling the team about Crisis and that it was coming much sooner than anticipated, but it wasn't until much later in the episode that he let the team know that he was going to die in Crisis. Their reactions are being saved until next episode, but Barry went the whole episode knowing he would soon die and it was obvious in his interactions, he wasn't planning out the next years of his life because he didn't expect there to be any. I've already mentioned Barry and Ramsay's conversation, and I hope their parallel viewpoints about the matter continue to clash as they both get closer to their own deaths; because that's one of the best parts of their interactions so far and it'll be really cool to see how they influence one another.

The other big part of the episode centered around Ralph trying to keep his mother from being arrested, who was a delight to have on the show and to see who raised Ralph. From season 4, Ralph has been telling stories about men his mother dated that subsequently died, but in this episode it was revealed that none of them ever died. His mother told him that to keep him from being devastated and blaming himself like when Ralph's father left them. It finally gave Ralph more to do than just stand on the way side, and the end of the episode saw his mother prompting him to find his own love while she couldn't, clearly further set up for the appearance of Sue Dearbon, Ralph's wife in the comics.

One last bit that didn't get a lot of focus was the arrival of another Harrison Wells. I was a bit worried at first because after having a gimmicky Sherlocke Holmes version, I thought we were getting a gimmicky Indiana Jones version. The character came across less of that though and seems more like an actual explorer of the multiverse, and a villain who seems to be up to his own things. Cisco even mentioned the arc of Harrison Wells being cold and mean before warming up to everyone, and I would love for that not to happen and this version just be a straight villain to set him apart from the others. Then it won't just seem like the show filling a Harrison Wells quota on the team as a gimmick. He was searching for "Eternium" though, and seemed to find it at the end of the episode, whatever it is.


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