Top 5 most wanted MCU phase 3 Marvel Legends figures

Until phase 4 comes out, this is where my string of most wanted MCU phase characters comes to an end. I've gone over phases 1 and 2 already, with 3 being the next to cover. This phase had a ton of movies, lots of new characters, and a whole slew of new stories including the two biggest in the MCU's history. So there's definitely a lot of action figure potential and thankfully a lot has already been tapped so this list wasn't that hard to narrow down as I had previously expected. There is still lots to be done though, so here are the top 5 MCU phase 3 characters I want in the Marvel Legends line!
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Honorable Mention: Mysterio's mo-cap suit
Starting off with an honorable mention, Mysterio was an incredible villain in the MCU as a whole and I thought his villain suit looked great and also translated into a figure very well. I would actually love a figure of his second suit as well, the white mo-cap suit which stood out to me a lot as well. It was very interesting to see and bore similarities to his Mysterio suit as well, not to mention that if this was released we would get a Jake Gyllenhaal head which was absent with the main Mysterio release.
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5. Ancient One and Wong
I've included Kaecilius in this slot with the Ancient One before, but here I'm swapping him out for Wong just because of the latter character's roles in Infinity War and Endgame that have made him more of a presence and basically Doctor Strange's sidekick. The Ancient One has also become a must with her major role not only in Doctor Strange, but Endgame as well, making her a charismatic, central character.
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4. Ayesha and Taserface
Guardians of the Galaxy is one of my favorite franchises in the Marvel universe and I'm glad that the toyline for the second movie was so expansive and covered nearly all of the major players! The line has even gone back and given us Ronan from the first film, but I'd still like to finish out the roster of characters and get not only Ayesha but Taserface from the second film as well. Both played prominent roles in the movie and would make for unique, standout action figures. Ayesha seems posed to return in the future as well with her "Adam," so there's further precedent to warrant a figure.
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3. Surter and Miek

Thor Ragnarok was another film to receive a lot of attention recently and during its release, with characters like Heimdall, Grandmaster, Korg, and Skurge who didn't receive toys at the time receiving them now. Surter is one of the last main characters from that film to not receive a figure and whether it is in scale or not with the beginning of the film I just want a figure of this epic, fiery demon who could easily stand in as a Dark Souls boss. Miek is the one I really want though as I loved this little worm creature with a robotic exosuit, and would have actually cried if he was truly dead in the end. We got Korg, so now we need Miek so go along with him.
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2. Shocker
The Spiderman lines have been very good at giving us all of the main players and most of the villains from the films, but one they've missed so far is the Shocker. I get that it can be harder to do figures when you need the likeness of the actor, which is why I kinda wish they gave Shocker his mask in the film, but there have been plenty of other villains whose likeness has been obtained like Ghost and Crossbones, and I hope that the same is done for Shocker as well to give us the last main villain of the Homecoming-Far from Home series that we're missing.
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1. Endgame figures
Despite three whole waves, we're still missing a lot of characters from the big finale of the MCU's infinity saga. Which shocks me because Infinity War was so well supplied previously, but Endgame was really left in the dust in terms of figure representations. We've gotten a few characters from the film, some figures that aren't accurate (like the Quantum suits), but there's still A TON to do. We need Endgame versions of Black Widow, Nebula, Rocket, Captain Marvel and Hawkeye (non-Ronin suit, the one we got only represents really the beginning of the film). I want Endgame final battle versions of both Hulk and Thor, not to mention a battle damaged Iron Man with the gauntlet. There is so much left to do for the MCU's biggest film and one of the most popular films of all time, and hopefully Hasbro realizes that.
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