Top 5 most wanted Star Wars the Black Series Battle Droids

Army builders and troops have always been an integral, recognizable part of the Star Wars universe and Hasbro's Black Series line clearly recognizes this as we have tons of clones and stormtroopers! One very iconic Star Wars troop, the Battle droid, has only just entered the action figure world and I'm hoping that plenty more are on the way! The world of battle droid is wide open and vast, and here are a few of my top choices for which ones should be coming next!
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Top 5 most wanted Star Wars the Black Series troop builder figures
Top 5 most wanted Star Wars the Black Series droid figures

5. B-1 Battle droid color variations
Doing the first version of the battle droid, Hasbro has cracked open a nearly endless pool of potential repaints just like they have with the clones. These droids were produced in all different kinds of colors and markings that designate them from one another with their different duties. Hasbro would be shocking if they didn't take advantage of this and the army building potential that these figures would carry.
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4. Geonosian Battle Droid
This is technically just another repaint of the first battle droid, but I'm counting it different because it is such an iconic re-coloration of the droid that I want it more than the others. During the climactic battle on Geonosis in the end of AOTC, the battle droids appeared in a more brown color as opposed to the tans we had been used to. It was only a temporary change, but one that has stuck as a big look for the robots.
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3. Commando droid
Getting into Clone Wars territory for just a second, I would love to see this really cool version of the Battle droid in the line, especially with the supposed focus on Clone Wars in the line next year! Rather than being overwhelming forces, these droids were dispersed in smaller numbers with much more efficiency to get the job done and take out their targets. they're truly scary version of the battle droid and a couple of them on the shelf wouldn't be a bad thing.
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2. Droideka
These last two spots are made up by battle droids that I think are obvious for the top two slots and I really hope that they're coming soon to follow up on the B-1 variation. I would absolutely love to get the Destroyer droid in the line; its design is very cool and the functionality of its curling into a ball would make for a flexible figure. I think the deluxe price point would also work well for this bulkier, larger droid, so there's a perfect spot for it in Hasbro's line.
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1. Super Battle Droid
Making their movie debut in the climax of AOTC, these droids were presented as stronger, larger, more intimidating version of the B-1 battle droids that have instantly stuck in the imagery of Star Wars. I love their rounded look, the blue coloration, and the wrist rockets on their arms that make them appear separate from the earlier models. I need a few of these guys on the shelf, and with Hasbro's seemingly renewed interest in the prequels I hope that they happen soon.
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