Batwoman S01 EP04 spoiler review

Batwoman flew in last night with another villain of the week and the difficult choice about how to balance personal life with the life of being a bat vigilante. We also got a lot more information on what matters revolved around skull fragments of Beth being found in some farm, and a potential bread crumb for the heroes to follow throughout the next few weeks!
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The episode gave us a very classic jewel thief-esque villain in Magpie who was very comic accurate in terms of costume design, which was great. She was obsessed with all things shiny, and while she did not pose any major threats it was still a thorn in the side of Kate who had to deal with it and learn about how hard it can be trying to be a vigilante and have a life.

After meeting her new girlfriend in last week's episode, Kate continued the relationship into this episode and it was great to see her really happy for at least a little bit. Things kept popping up though, as per the superhero gig, and she had to keep bouncing with increasingly worse excuses; which only made her look more and more like she was just flaking. Kate was trying very hard though, and invited her girlfriend out to a jewelry gala that in the end of the episode ended up being the location of Magpie's biggest theft yet. The villain snuck fake jewelry into the exhibit that was rigged to blow and cause chaos as she made her getaway; however, Batwoman was of course there to thwart her and apprehended the criminal. Magpie reasoned away her thefts as just trying to make enough money to live, as Gotham forgets about its poorest residents; informing a decision Kate makes later in the episode. Another decision made here is Kate breaking things off with her girlfriend, saying that she isn't ready to fully open herself up to another person, so the relationship was short lived.

Otherwise in the episode, Kate brought Alice's septic right hand man, who is still in her custody, to Mary in order to be patched up and kept from dying. Under a heavy morphine drip, he mentions that Alice is looking for someone or something called, "Mouse," which Mary later informs Batwoman of when the latter pays her another visit later in the episode. Who is Mouse? No doubt we'll find out!

Probably the biggest revelation from the episode came when Sophie deduces that Hamilton industries was supposed of planting the bomb that allowed Alice to escape the police convoy, and Catherine Hamilton, Kate's step mother, comes clean to Jacob that she forged the information that Beth's skull fragments were found. She put the reason behind her actions as not wanting to see Jacob and Kate suffer any further, so she lied and made them believe that Beth was actually dead, which Alice fully knows about and was the reason Catherine came clean, threatening to do it herself otherwise. Jacob was obviously pissed and ordered her out, and I guess this explains the mystery of why she was having Alice's knife kept from being tested. Motives aren't as dark and suspicious as they previously were thought to be; and it'll be interesting to see how this character's scenes with Alice continue to play out.

Finally, at the end of the episode Kate makes the decision to become a real estate firm in the same vein that her cousin was a playboy; making it her cover, but while also trying to do real good. This trajectory makes sense, as Tommy from last episode really made it clear that a lot of the real estate in Gotham is run by greedy businessmen, which Magpie also reinforced as she committed her crimes out of desperation to afford basic needs. It'll be fun now to see how this plays out, and if Alice will somehow use it against Kate.


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