Top 5 most wanted Star Wars tv shows

The two biggest things that Disney + sees to be giving us is television shows that take place in the Marvel and Star Wars universes. Already several shows for each have been announced, and Star Wars is the first one to be releasing something with The Mandalorian. The Star Wars universe is vast and there is a wealth of characters and stories to be told, so whereas the spinoff movies seem to be come to an unfortunate close, Disney + looks like the place for these spinoff stories to be told! So here are the top 5 Star Wars shows I want on Disney +
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5. C-3PO and R2-D2
This I think could be a fun callback to the original Droids television show more than anything. These two have been around for all of Star Wars history, and are beloved by fans of all ages across the saga. While the recent Sequel trilogy hasn't used them much, Disney can make up for that by giving them a whole tv show chronicling some adventure the two of them had. The chemistry between the duo is one of the most famous in Star Wars, and would make for a great show.
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4. Beckett's gang
One of my favorite aspects about Solo was the opening mission on Vandor where Han and Chewie teamed up with Beckett's original gang. Tobias, Val, and Rio made a fantatic trio in my opinion with great interplay between them with lots of palpable history. It was a shame that Rio and Val were killed so early in the movie because it was evident that they were strong characters, and hopefully one day a tv show can come along and show us one of their pre-Solo missions.
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3. Solo follow up
Speaking of Solo, a sequel for the movie seems to be dead after not enough people went to see it in theaters. That's a shame because I thought the movie was a very fun experience with great characters and a fun story. There was also obvious set up at the end with the inclusion of Darth Maul! Hopefully a tv show can be made at the least to tie up the loose ends and give us one more outing with these characters.
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2. Count Dooku
Dooku is possibly one of the most layered characters in Star Wars when it comes to his background and the events leading up to where we found him in the movies. He was Qui Gon's master, Yoda's pupil, turned to the dark side so that he could lead the Separatists, and preferred his political designation over his Sith name. There is a lot going on with this character that the movies never gave us a glimpse of, and hopefully one day we can have a tv show about young Dooku and his fall to the dark side.
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1. General Grievous
One of the most remembered characters from the prequel trilogy was Grievous and for good reason with a killer design and an obvious amount of backstory and lore surrounding this coughing cyborg. The Clone Wars tv show hinted a little bit towards his gladiatorial background, but it would amazing to see it in a show and see his transformation from an organic being to the monstrous robot he becomes by the time Revenge of the Sith rolled around.
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