The Flash S06 EP07 spoiler review

Flash has entered its first ever two part midseason finale and I think that so far the story preceding Crisis has reached its stride as Ramsay proves himself to be a very terrifying and formidable enemy, worthy of the big bad status. That was the big focus of the episode, but we got smaller stories interspersed throughout, and I'll start with those.
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Following up on the lead Ralph gave her last episode, Iris tracked down one of the men from Meister's party regarding the shady organization he worked for, the same organization that was affiliated possibly with Ultraviolet's crime journey. It turned out that he was just a courier for whatever the rich and powerful wanted to gave transported, leading their search to a dead end until that same courier turned up dead by the end of the episode. The circumstances surrounding his death were shady, alongside a coin being found bearing a marking that for some reason Allegra wanted to keep from the police. Now the trio of Iris, Kamilla, and Allegra are going to sort out this mystery. I've always felt weird about the secret organization storylines in stories, but I'm also feeling a bit weird about how the heroes are handling it. I'm not entirely sure why they're keeping it to themselves instead of especially involving Barry who is a CSI and should be on the case regardless since the police were investigating the man's death. Allegra also came out about knowing Barry was the Flash, still acted like it was ridiculous that she wasn't told when she started working for them (again, she has no right to know, why would Iris be obligated to tell each and every one of the coworkers?), and prompted Iris to start writing the "Flash vanishes in Crisis," headline even though it should probably be written afterwards so she knows what actually happens.

Sadly, Chester was absent for this episode too, but the rest of the episode was absolutely awesome! The main storyline kicked off with the fight between Ralph and Ramsay that started last episode, the two of them squaring off in an alleyway in a fight that I thought really shows how fun Ralph can be as a hero if they give him more to do! The way he uses his powers to fight is really awesome, such as turning his body into a spring to catch a car, or reaching through a sewer grate to strike his enemy from behind. His power set is so unique and fun that I wish he got to do more with it. The fight ends with Ramsay managing to pull out a good portion of Ralph's blood though, leaving the hero to do until Barry gives him a blood transfusion of his super healing blood, saving Ralph's life while the elastic hero is now transferred to Argus for healing. Really hope that doesn't mean he's sitting out Crisis because Ralph constantly gets sidelined in these crossovers and it sucks. It turns out that Crisis is literally only two days away in the show's timeline (two weeks for us in the real world), and to make matters worse it is revealed that a bit of Ramsay's blood left in Ralph got into Barry while the transfusion was happening. This results in Ramsay knowing everything Barry does, including his secret identity, as well as literally being inside his head!

This was undoubtedly the best episode of the season for me, and one of my favorite Flash episodes overall as it really dipped into the head space horror element of Ramsay's manipulative powers. It was very intriguing to watch Barry lose his mind as he was jumped from scene to scene, told different things by Ramsay who was played very characteristically and awesomely in this episode. I loved one of their initial conversations when Ramsay asked about Crisis and his role in it, only to disappointingly find out he wasn't present. It was like the obviously second fiddle storyline of the season realizing the're only second fiddle to the grander adventure. Ramsay took the info in stride though, not letting it slow him down as he twists Barry's mind, while in the real world Barry is basically dying in his living room. The hero is shown a twisted dinner between his family in which Ramsay serves a lasagna flooded with blood, leading to a disturbing scene of the main characters eating blood, followed by Barry being presented with baby Nora. Unable to even touch her, Barry freaks out, really showing that he's realizing he will never get to see his baby if he dies in Crisis. Ramsay reveals to Barry a slew of headstones, the deaths Team Flash has endured over the years, and gives him the revelation that with Ramsay's blood powers Flash could literally save everyone from death. The Speed Force steps in, pulling Barry away and telling him to resist Ramsay's manipulation, while Barry comes out fully with his feelings of not being able to leave behind everyone. He doesn't want to die, which I thought was a great thing for Barry to admit, especially as it is so conflicting for him since as a hero he thinks he should be able to sacrifice himself willingly. The Speed Force tells Barry that Ramsay has been telling the truth about being able to save himself and the world during Crisis, which sends Barry off the deep end as Ramsay once again reappears, stoking Barry on as Flash blows up as the Speed Force. While the Speed Force tries to tell him that taking Ramsay's infection will cause Barry to lose his soul, Barry's fear captures him and he claims that the Speed Force has only made him suffer, that he didn't have a choice whether or not he wanted to be the Flash and make these sacrifices, as everyone who has died has died because Barry was the Flash. Barry strikes out at the Speed Force's avatar, his mother, hauntingly mimicking the Reverse Flash's murder of his mother, and begins to give in to Ramsay's infection. In the real world, Cisco found Barry and brought him to STAR labs, injecting him with Velocity 10 which temporarily snaps Barry out of his crazed panic, though the hero finds himself literally pulled in two directions by the Speed Force and Ramsay.

Barry wakes up, his fever broken, and happily comes back to life as he tells Cisco that he managed to beat Ramsay's infection. Before getting to the crazy last scene of the episode, during Barry's infection Killer Frost froze up and with all the insane stuff going on, Ralph and Barry both almost dying, and wasn't really up for another Killer Frost focused thing of her being her. We FINALLY got to see Caitlin at the start of the episode when Killer Frost let her out to help Ralph not die (though we still haven't seen Caitlin's reaction to Barry dying in Crisis, or her even wanting to talk to Barry about ti), and the end of the episode sees Killer Frost telling Cisco that she agreed to let Caitlin handle the medical stuff. THANK YOU! Literally though, does Caitlin just not exist anymore? Is it just Killer Frost 24/7 and now Caitlin at least gets to perform medical tasks? They should be sharing this life, not just Killer Frost existing over Caitlin. I'm glad the bit about her freezing up was handled quickly though, wasn't up for a whole storyline about that.

Insanely, the end of the episode involves Iris coming to see Barry but quickly realize that it isn't him. That's when Barry reveals himself to be infected fully by Ramsay's infection, his eyes and mouth inked black with blood and he speeds out of STAR labs leaving Killer Frost, Cisco, and Iris all unconscious. The new, demonic version of Barry with black lightning meets up with Ramsay, who from the shadow on the wall was shown to have achieved his monstrous comic book form. He shrinks back down to human form by the time the cameras focus on him though, and Ramsay dubs himself, "Bloodwork."

I've felt a little bit like Ramsay was underutilized throughout the first half the season, but this episode definitely changed that for me and Ramsay feels like a major, tangible threat with a showdown with Barry this episode that was wildly different from all the big bad fights we had previously. I loved the style with which they went for the fight, and having Ramsay dub himself Bloodwork by the end while also infecting Barry was a great way to end part one of the two part midseason finale! I can't wait to see how they wrap up the Bloodwork storyline next week before Crisis, and I hope we'll get to see his monstrous blood form from the comics that was teased in this episode!


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