Top 5 most wanted Transformers TCG G1 season 1 character cards vol 2

We are now four waves deep into the Transformers card game by Wizards of the Coast! A lot of great cards and characters have been represented in the line already, with a lot hailing from the earlier season of the original tv show. The first season has been getting a lot of love but there are still a few more characters from that original first batch of episodes that still haven't made it into the card game! In fact, if I counted right (which there's a strong possibility I didn't), there are only 5 major characters from the first season still left to appear in card form! So while these are my top 5 most wanted G1 season 1 characters for the card game, it may also be the 5 remaining G1 season 1 characters for the card game!
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Related posts:
Top 5 most wanted Transformers TCG G1 season 1 character cards
Top 10 most wanted G1 characters in Transformers: The Card Game

Honorable mention: Non-exclusive Cliffjumper
This is one I'm still waiting on. Technically we did get this character in a card, and then had that card reissued, both both were very limited, exclusive releases of the card that are near impossilbe to get without shelling out a ton of money. I want a standard, base set Cliffjumper I can get from packs, rather than going to a convention or paying $200.
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Honorable mention 2: Hauler
I hesitate to even say this was a character in the original show. Hauler appeared in crane mode for one scene in the first couple episodes when Hound fell off a cliff and needed to be pulled back up. That was it. No lines, no robot mode, nothing more than that one scene with an Autobot who would go on to never appear again. He has appeared a couple times in the comics I think, mostly as a green color, but an appearance in the card game I would really like as it would be a fun nod to this nearly non-existent G1 character.
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Honorable mention 3: Welcoming Committee
Another quick mention before I get into the main list is another group of characters that we've started to get but haven't yet. Sunstorm was in the first wave of the card game, and after that WOTC seemed to focus on the Rainmakers rather than finishing out the Welcoming committee which I hope they do soon. While still a bunch of Starscream repaints, that's the core essence of the Seekers and I'll take all of them that the company wants to include in the card game!
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5. Windcharger
One of the many Autobot minibots that are missing from the card game, Windcharger was around during season 1 and sadly met his end in the Transformers movie as he was killed during the opening Decepticon attack. He had the ability to use concussive force and magnetism with his arms, and it would be neat for the game to somehow implement that.
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4. Huffer
Strong and determined, Huffer would be an awesome addition to the card line up. Give us another truck with a small star count, along with that awesome design in a card design. I'm not sure what his gimmick would be, but having a Huffer to play alongside an Optimus feels right.
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3. Gears
This angry, pessimistic bot was the focus of one of the episode I remember most of the original show, when Megatron reprogrammed him to be nice. It was a fun change of pace for the character and helps him to stand out more to me when I think about the old show.
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2. Brawn
He was on the first list, and he is crossing over into this one since we still don't have a Brawn. He was the original casualty in the original movie, proving to us that Autobots can die. He was always a fun Autobot to have around, with his constant boasting about his impenetrable armor and strength. Giving us a card that is high in defense would be a neat change up for the car faction.
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1. Reflector
With the two Siege waves, I thought for sure we would get a Reflector card since he was in that line. But alas, it didn't happen. I'm still hoping for a Reflector soon and I'm still wondering how he will be accomplished in the line, being three bots that turn into one thing. I think the way that the most recent Omega Supreme was done was a good format, three components combining into one thing. We'll see how WOTC handles it!
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