Top 5 most likely Star Wars the Black Series figures vol 2

Hasbro's line of Black Series figures based on the Star Wars franchise feels like it has really taken off in the last year or so with so many much needed figures making their way into the line from all corners of the galaxy. Included in the flood of great figures we've been receiving, many of the figures that I thought were really likely to be made have been! Padawan Obi Wan, the Mandalorian, and Count Dooku have all been made and with most of my previous list accounted for, I'm going in for a second list of the top 5 figures I think are most likely to come to the line next!
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5. Zeb
He is the last member of the Ghost's crew from Rebels to have yet to receive a figure. Ezra and Chopper came out so quickly together that it seemed like Zeb would be right behind hem, but so far he hasn't appeared yet. Every convention someone asks Hasbro about the character and Hasbro always says that he is still in the pipeline; and I think he is further down the pipeline than most other characters.
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4. Key Prequel characters
The prequel saga has seen a major resurgence in the line since the beginning of 2019. Tons of key players from those films including Padme, Mace, Battle droids, Grievous, and now Dooku, Jedi council members, and AOTC versions of Anakin, Obi Wan, and the Battle droid are coming to the line! It seems unlikely that this prequel train will stop anytime soon, and I have a feeling we should expect other big characters from that saga like Jar Jar, Super Battle droids, Droidekas, and more Jedi council members to appear in the line soon.
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3. Hoth rebel trooper
Hasbro has stated already that next year, 2020, there will be a focus on Empire Strikes Back to celebrate the anniversary of that film! No doubt we will be getting quite a few figures from the movie for that reason, but I think out of all of them the Hoth rebel trooper might be the most likely! It is a famous army builder that fans have been asking for for a long time, and an army builder for the rebel faction would be very welcome as they don't have much at this point.
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2. Sith Jet trooper
Speaking of army builders, this is the last one from Rise of the Skywalker that hasn't been given a 6 inch figure yet (unless some unannounced army builders in the movie reveal themselves), and arguably one of the only Stormtrooper-esque army builders not to be made in the line either! Hasbro loves their Stormtroopers and every variation of them possible seem to squeeze themselves into the line when possible, and I think that the Sith version of the already released Jet trooper will be coming out soon; especially as it'd just be an easy repaint.
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1. More Luke
While prequels as a saga have gotten a ton of love recently, the character to receive the most love in just the past year is Luke Skywalker. Several figures of this characters are coming to the line, including Dagobah training garb, yellow ceremony uniform, and Jabba's Palace tunic! He is one of the most famous characters in the franchise and with this flood of Lukes I'm expecting the momentum to keep going and give us some other versions of this character we're missing. Endor, Snowspeeder, and especially the episode 8 appearances! The wardrobe of Luke Skywalker has nearly been captured in full for the Black Series, so why slow down now?
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