Top 5 most wanted McFarlane DC Multiverse comic book Superman characters

One of the biggest names in all of superheroism is Superman, Clark Kent, and already McFarlane's line of DC action figures has shown that this character is definitely a defining presnce in the line. We have the Action comics 1000 version, the Unchained armor, and the animated version for fans to pick from and I'm sure that the roster of Superman characters and variations will not stop there. I personally love the new line and cannot wait to see what comes next, and with my thoughts on the future here are the top 5 Superman comic characters I'd love to see in the DC Multiverse line!
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5. Power Girl
I've always thought it was neat that one of DC's big heroes was actually one of their other heroes just from another universe! I've liked her in what I've seen her in, and I would love to get more female characters in the line in general! The color scheme of her outfit is also a unique one because I don't know many superheroes who wear predominantly white uniforms, and it'd be fun to compare the headculpt of this figure to the eventual Supergirl figure.
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4. Superboy
Jon Kent has been getting a lot of fame in the comics as Superman's son, regularly appearing alongside his father and also alongside Damien Wayne as part of the Supersons. I love his demeanor, his youthfulness, and his costume as well as simple as it is. I've had a lot of fun reading him in the comics, especially during the DCeased storyline when he had to go up against his father, and it'd be cool to have him in the new line.
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3. Superman rogues
I love the villains that make up Superman's rogues gallery and I can't wait to see what McFarlane does with them! A lot of them are larger scale characters, many wearing armor, and that seems right up his ally to make great figures out of. Characters like Atomic Skull, Brainiac, Parasite, and Doomsday would all be candidates for great figures from the line, and most due for a new figure!
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2. Alternate Superman costumes
There is a plethora of Supermen to make into action figure form, and the 3 McFarlane have made only scratch the surface of what can be done. There's the black suit, the New 52 uniform, Rebirth, and my personal pick would be the Action comics #1 classic Superman. There's a lot of Supermen to choose from so I hope McFarlane takes advantage of the big boy in blue's history and give us awesome renditions of a lot of his famous looks.
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1. Supergirl
After Superman, the next most famous member of Superman's super family is definitely his cousin, Supergirl. She has her own tv running currently which has helped her fame a lot, but I've always preferred the comics where she is portrayed as a temperamental, angry hero who doesn't have all of the restraint that her cousin has. I can't wait for the line to do her so I can set her up next to her cousin and the super duo can be together on my shelf.
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