Top 5 most wanted McFarlane Dc Multiverse DCEU figures

I was a huge fan of the DCEU from its inception with Man of Steel, and while the films definitely took a bit of a dive in terms of quality with Suicide Squad and Justice League, the series seems to be reinvigorated since then and I'm so excited for the future of the DC universe! Alongside it, the toys of this franchise have been a bit rocky in terms of execution. There is no constant Marvel Legends like the MCU has, the both Movie Masters offerings for Man of Steel, and Mattel's offerings for the other films weren't quite what I was hoping for for modern day action figures. The DC films line, while expensive, seems like a viable option for getting movie figures; however, that line died. Now it seems as though McFarlane has taken up the reigns of DC, and while we haven't seem any movie figures from them there was a leaked Harley Quinn from the upcoming movie a while back, and McFarlane has confirmed before that movie figures are on their plate. So with high hopes for the DC movie universe to have a proper toyline accompanying it, here are the top 5 DCEU figures I want from McFarlane's DC Multiverse line!
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Honorable mention: Aquaman
I cared little for Aquaman in the Justice League film, but his solo movie afterwards completely blew me away and his character became a major interest of mine. It seems like the new movie has done an overhaul to give him the proper treatment and characterization he deserved! Mattel's Aquaman offerings weren't terrible, but with the look of McFarlane's new figures anything they do is bound to be an improvement and I'd welcome a hyper articulated, well sculpted Aquaman figure. The only thing keeping him as an honorable mention is that after how great his movie was I knew I had to include him and like I mentioned, Mattel's version wasn't completely terrible.
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5. Batman
No list of wanted DC characters would be complete without mentioning Batman at least once. He is one of the most recognizable superheroes of all time and one of the most popular as well, so if he doesn't quickly receive a figure I will actually be surprised. Affleck's Batman has had a rough time in the DCEU with a lot of criticism, but also a lot of people supporting his take and I'm one of his supporters. I liked what he did with Batman, and I would take any version of his Batman they want to give us. I think the armored version is more McFarlane's style, and I think it would look awesome too especially if it included the Kryptonite spear.
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4. Wonder Woman
One of the best heroes coming out of the DCEU right now is Wonder Woman who is finally receiving her second film! Diana has been a fun, courageous, strong presence since she first debuted and she should be one of the first characters from the movies to receive a figure! Largely her look as maintained the same over all of her film appearances so one figure could easily check her off for every movie so far, and Mattel's offering was definitely below standard so I'm very excited for McFarlane to give us an improved version.
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3. Joker 2019
I absolutely loved the 2019 Joker movie when it came out. It was dark, gritty, realistic, and I think worked perfectly despite me usually not being interesting in villain solo movies (since the villain ends up becoming a hero by the end ((Venom))). Joker made the concept work though, and even the deisng of the Joker I really enjoyed. It would take one figure out of their whole line to finish the action figure line up for this film, and with the wild success of Joker, and McFarlane not being afraid to do more scary designs (Batman who Laughs for example), I'm very hopeful for a figure based on 2019's Joker.
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2. General Zod
I'll say it right now that these top two slots are focused on Man of Steel and as my favorite movie of the DCEU, and being a huge Superman fan, I'm not surprised. I've been waiting for a really good, affordable version of Zod for a long time. Movie Master's original Zod left much to be desired in weird proportions and a terrilbe likeness, while DC Film's version was cancelled with the abrupt ending of the line. McFarlane seems to love bigger, armored characters with the Hellbat and Superman Unchained armors being in the first wave of the line, along with other lines like Fortnite having plenty of bulkier, armored characters, so Zod would fit right in with their other offerings. The original villain of the DCEU deserves a great figure and hopefully McFarlane reaches back to finally give it to us.
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1. Superman
Mattel seemed to do nothing but give us the same Superman figure we got from Movie Masters Man of Steel line again and again. That figure was not good, it was strangely disproportionate, the articulation was terrible, the likeness was never close, and overall I have been left hoping for years that a good Henry Cavill Superman would one day happen. The DC films version managed to come out, though its steep price has become a bit steeper these years and I don't like paying a whole lot for figures. So with these figures in McFarlane's line so far looking really good, if they can give us a Man of Steel Superman with that same quality I will be beyond joyed. Their comic Superman already looks stellar, so with the same articulation scheme I think we would finally have a winner.
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