Batwoman S01 EP10 spoiler review

Batwoman returns from break after Crisis with a plot focusing back on the crime of Gotham rather than trying to save the multiverse. After everything that just happened, it is easy to see what happened in the episode as small but it was still a fun ride, and a big episode for Kate's development.
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To start things off, the trailer for this episode seemed to point towards Nocturna being in the episode, which is a villain I was extremely excited to see in the show but she never turned up. I guess the trailer I watched was more of a general Batwoman trailer for the rest of the season? The villain we got instead was the Terrier, a hacker named after the emoji she used to broadcast her messages. I don't know why, but whenever the show makes up a character I really am not into it. I like when the shows give us comic book villains, sometimes pulling super obscure characters from the past to finally make live action debuts, even if as villains of the week. It is one of the reasons I like Flash so much, but Batwoman gives us made up foes like the Terrier and the Rifle, and I just don't find it as fun as episodes that feature characters like Magpie. I digress though, the Terrier nearly crashes a train which Batwoman manages to stop using her grapnel gun, and the superheroine then finds herself nearly struck by her grapnel gun ricocheting back at her until a police officer the show affectionately refers to as "Captain America" due to his similarity to the hero. This starts a small plot thread of the city believing the two of them might be a couple, which Batwoman takes disdain too. She starts to belief that she is lying to the city by not telling them who she is, and just wearing a mask.

Elsewhere in the episode, each character is going about their own stories in response to how the midseason finale ended. Mary is trying hard to get doctors to testify at her father's trial that human skin masks are possible, while also dealing with the fact that the city now treats her like trash since her parents were made to look evil. Sophie is leading her own task team to track down criminals, becoming increasingly aggressive following the break up of her and her husband. Jacob is hanging out in jail, finding himself harassed by some of the prison mates. Luke forgets that it is Kate's birthday, then gives her a cupcake by the end. The whole while, Alice is plotting her next move and decides it is to unmask Kate for the city to find out who she is. This involves her tracking down the Terrier just like Kate, who they find is just a teenage girl at a high school dance who recently came out to her parents that she was queer. She reveals that her parents disdain her for it, and she reveals that she was on the train in the beginning and wanted to put herself in danger so her parents might care for her again, and when that didn't work she threatened the city for money in order to leave Gotham. It was a big moment for Kate because the girl talked about feeling alone, feeling like she had to hide, and this informed Kate's decision by the end of the episode.

Alice captures the Terrier, threatening to kill her unless Kate unmasks herself which she does, revealing to the girl her identity, and then seemingly allowing the Terrier to broadcast Kate's identity to the whole city on Alice's orders. However, it turns out that the revealing text was only sent to Alice and Kate, while the rest of the city was told that Alice was in the school. Alice set off a bomb, though by this point most of the kids had escaped, and the police officer from before finds himself saved from the blast by Kate. She refuses a kiss from him when the crowd chants for it, and I don't know if it was because of that, or she made some statement later, but the news came out that Batwoman is gay and Kate found herself feeling a lot better about her role as Gotham's protector. A major part of this storyline saw Alice captured by the police in the end, putting her into custody once again that this time she did not escape from.

That isn't where the episode ended though. Earlier in the hour, Mary seemingly saw a non-Alice version of Beth arriving at the Gotham university, only for her to disappear. This version pops up once again at the very end, greeting Kate in her apartment and saying that she was back from her semester abroad. Kate attacks her, demanding to know how Alice escaped; however, Beth seemingly knows nothing about what Kate is talking about and the episode leaves us with believing this might actually be the real Beth guess, is that it is Mouse in disguise.


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