Most wanted alternate versions of McFarlane DC Multiverse established characters vol 2

My first list on this subject hasn't really been thinned out by Mcfarlane reveals for their DC Multiverse line, but the abundance of characters already put out gives me the opportunity to make a part 2 and talk about the characters I didn't mention in my first list! So with more great reveals no doubt coming in the near future, hear are another top 5 variations of characters I hope we get for characters the line already has figures for!
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Related posts:
Most wanted alternate versions of Mcfarlane DC Multiverse established characters vol 1
Top 5 most wanted Mcfarlane DC Multiverse big figures

5. Green Arrow
Seemingly a figure that I feel like no one really talks about, Green Arrow from the CW show was the line's first live action character and the only figure so far from the CW Arrowverse. I thought it was a great rendition of the character, and I think the advanced articulation of the line means that any version of bow wielding characters can work with no problem. The comic book version of Green Arrow is one I'd like to see the line do with his goatee and maybe even the hat! Reading him in stories like Dceased and No Justice really do a lot for the comedic talent of the character, and I've always been a sucker for bow and arrow heroes.
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4. Nightwing
I thought for a bit about what other versions of Nightwing I want immediately in the line and then the obvious answer hit me: the red version of his costume. It is a very simple change but one that is very noticeable and ha defined a whole series of Nightwing stories! The blue is iconic and feels very much like Dick, but the red is also very striking and with Nightwing's figure being one of the best in the whole line I wouldn't mind a red tinted repaint! Though I also wouldn't mind a newly sculpted figure either to capture the differences in the suit.
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3. Joker
Joker was the only character included on the first list that actually got covered so he is back again with a new top want of mine for the clown in Mcfarlane's line. Both versions that we have so far see him in the stylized look of White Knight, and the Arkham video game, but what I'd really like right now is to see Mcfarlane take on the classic, modern, usual comic book mainline version. I love the more abstract designs they've lead with, but the iconic Joker must come to the line eventually with his purple suit and I wouldn't be surprised if it is soon!
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2. Wonder Woman
This will be another simple one like Green Arrow and Joker, because right now I just want to see what Mcfarlane can do with the comic book version of Wonder Woman. She's one of the most iconic heroes of all time and also one of the more popular with her recent film success! With two figures in the line already I don't think the toyline has any intention of taking a break from this character, and I hope that a comic version is on the horizon soon.
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1. Batman
I can say without a doubt, that there will be a lot of Batmen in the future of this line. We're already seeing it, with more than five versions of the caped crusader already accounted for across two waves! So whatever I say here, watch it be on my shelf by the end of the year at least! What I'd really like is for Mcfarlane to follow up on the success of their Batman who Laughs figure and give us more of the Dark Knights! The evil Batmen Justice League has definitely been one of the most excitedly consumed DC storyline in the past few years and all of their designs would make for incredible figures as well! Red Death is a favorite of many and myself as well, but I also can't deny the splash Devastator would make as an action figure! And to stay on the evil Batman branch, the Grim Knight would also be a great version of Batman to include in the line and give more henchmen for the Batman who Laughs on the shelf.
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