Top 5 most wanted McFarlane DC Multiverse comic book characters vol 2

McFarlane's second wave of DC figures was revealed at NYCC and there still seems to be a heavy Batman focus in the line, so while my first iteration of this list really hasn't been worked through all that much I'm still writing my part 2 for my most wanted comic book based figures from the line! In the first list I focused more on the heavy hitters I wanted, but with those already established I wanted to talk more of the of characters I want who aren't as mainstream or well known as the primary Justice League characters I talked about before. So here is my vol 2 of the comic book characters I want figures of from Mcfarlane's DC Multiverse line!
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Related posts:
Top 5 most wanted McFarlane DC Multiverse comic book characters vol 1
Top 5 most wanted Mcfarlane DC Multiverse comic book villain figures

5. Starro
I think that a figure based on this character would be absolutely amazing. Starro has always been one of my favorites because of how wacky and outlandish the character's design is, and his personality in the comics, especially recently, has been very fun and fitting for such a zany character. I'm not sure how his action figure would be accomplished without really breaking up the sculpt of the figure, but I have my fingers crossed that Mcfarlane will give us the Starro figure we've been waiting on.
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4. Supergirl
Superman's volatile cousin is definitely one of the more well known characters on this list and one I'd love to get to pose alongside the Superman we got in wave 1! She's had a primary role in a lot of stories and her aid in the fight against Rogol-Zaar was a fun one to read, not to mention her pivotal role in the popular Brainiac storyline. When adapting character from Superman's mythos, Supergirl is no doubt one of the higher tier characters and hopefully she gets a Mcfarlane figure soon.
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3. Power Girl
A character with a very complicated backstory and introduction to the comics has been Power Girl, Supergirl's doppelganger from another world, but also sometimes from the future and sometimes the child of Phantom Zone prisoners. Even some of her own stories have poked fun at her uncertain past, but one thing for certain is the character is a lot of fun to read with her attitude. Her adventures against Ultra Humanite and Vartox were stories I had a lot of fun reading, and I would love for Mcfarlane to take a stab at the character in their line.
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2. Batwoman
Another character I've read a lot of recently is Batwoman, owing mostly to the new show on the CW. The character in the comics is one I really like to read with her stories very interesting with a lot of struggle going on behind the cowl, not to mention the amazing artwork that was present throughout most of Haunted Tides really drew me into the story. With her being a Batman character, and having a whole tv show about her on the air I hope that ups her chances of getting a figure pretty soon in the line.
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1. Captain Atom
I've always been interested in Captain Atom since I saw him in some of the animated properties under DC's ownership, and once I actually read some of his comics it made me even more invested in this tragic hero. Described as someone who wants to be a wholesome hero on the level of Superman, Captain Atom is instead shunned and hated because of his volatile powers and was even barred from the Justice League because they deemed him too much of a threat! A horrible story for someone out there to do only good, and it makes me love the character that much more!
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