The Flash S06 EP16 spoiler review

Flash finally came back from break with a pretty fun episode that had a lot of major ramifications on the status quo of the characters, as well as featuring a past villain coming back for round 3. Here is my review of the season 16th episode!
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One storyline I was looking forward to that didn't get as much attention as I would have liked as the return of Sue Dearbon and Ralph going after her. Ralph finds that she's been stealing from all over the place and in the process of setting up a net to catch her in (technologically speaking) he and Cisco run across January Galore once more after her last appearance at Meister's party. It turns out that January Galore isn't a real person at all but a disguise for Sue Dearbon who then makes her escape. Ralph tracks her down once more, confronting her about how her parents are being extorted for some reason and that Sue isn't just robbing people, but investigating Black Hole and Carver just as they are. Sue lightens up to Ralph's good guy demeanor, handing over the diamond she previously stole as a clue to Black Hole, and leaves on peaceful terms with the elastic hero.

The main plot of the episode revolved around Carver who sent Ragdoll after Joe West who has been investigating his connections with Black Hole. This leads to some fun scenes of Ragdoll cutting the brakes to Joe's car while he was driving it, and hopping out of an evidence box in the middle of CCPD! This villain is always one that makes a splash visually with some creative fight scenes, though in the end lacks a lot of personality. Singh approaches Joe about the prospect about going into the witness protection program due to the recent attacks on his life; however, Joe refuses to let the case scare him away and confronts Carver on his own turf. It was a great scene for Joe who I feel has been underused in the past couple of seasons on the show, watching him stand up to Carver and even throw a hard fist into the smug villain. Joe tries to get dirt on the corrupt businessman; however, Carver uses his tech to erase the voice recorder on Joe's phone and after their meeting sends Ragdoll to kidnap Cecil. It was a great episode for Joe, as he was the true hero in the climax of the story. Barry fought Ragdoll in a neat fight in which the villain slithered through some pipes, though him stretching parts of his body at will seems new and different from his previous abilities of just being able to contort and squish in any way. His powers seem a lot more similar to Ralph's now. While this fight was going on, Joe found Cecil who had been placed atop a pressure bomb that would blow if the weight was taken off. Joe manages to swap places with her, and calls Allegra for help defusing the bomb. I have no idea why he would call her, she isn't able to offer any help, and neither is Nash who is still around after I thought he left last episode. Barry runs Cecil to safety, expending a vast amount of his speed throughout this whole process, and would have made it back to Joe too late if it hadn't been for the police captain taking a chance and pulling at a wire on the bomb himself to disarm it. This whole ordeal informs Joe's decision to go into witness protection, leaving immediately in a heartfelt goodbye to Barry and Cecil who were the only two present. I'm not sure why Cecil didn't leave with him after she was made a target as well. After he leaves, Singh returns to his care and takes on a dark persona as he speaks to Eva through the mirror, informing her that Joe West was gone. It was a surprising twist and one I think will only work if he has been replaced by a mirror copy too, I wouldn't buy the real Singh becoming a villain all of a sudden.

Things take an even greater turn for the worst as Barry returns home where Iris has found out about her father leaving. She demands to know where he is and for Barry to take her to him, stating that it could be years before she sees him again as Carver could take years to arrest. Barry sticks to not being about to do that for her, as he also doesn't know where Joe is going, which leads to Iris ordering him out of the house and seemingly effectively ending their relationship for the moment. It was a monumental scene for the episode to end on, even if it is a fake Iris involved in it. This will surely have major ramifications on Barry going forward, and I'm not sure I'm ready for the heart break.

There wasn't a lot of real Iris in this episode aside from her telling Eva that Barry's ability to phase could help them escape the mirror, and Caitlin was absent entirely without even a mention. Joe's temporary absence will allow some of the other characters breathing room in the show, but I still affirm that the show has way too many characters at the moment to the point that many barely get to do anything or constantly don't show up without explanation. Rag Doll was a fun villain to get another taste of, and I hope for more returns of past villains along the lines of Tarpit, Weather Wizard, or the Mist! If I'm not wrong, this is Carver's first appearance since his introduction, and the scenes of him talking to Eva seem to indicate that the two certainly are on opposing sides of one another. So are there two main villains for this section of the season? Mirror Master and Black Hole? It will be interesting to see how they progress on this, and if the story picking up will mean either side will make their plays soon. Sadly, the episode count has been reduced due to the Coronavirus, meaning that the season will only be 19 episodes instead of the planned 22. Three episodes can mean a huge change in terms of what happens, and I'm sure that a lot of story that they were hoping to tell will be lost with this. I only hope that it doesn't mean that season 6 will become compromised by a rushed conclusion, with them preferably just pooling this story into the beginning of next season if they can't wrap it up properly in the next three episodes. Especially when 17 and 18 are already finished as they were when 22 episodes were planned. We'll see how things are going forward, but I'm optimistic the production team can work around this crisis!


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